
Steve Goodman's "Go Cubs Go" is a much better inspirational baseball song.

I'm just as unknown here as I am anywhere else, but I feel as if I am unknown among smarter people.

Also, to validate ZMF's point about not being too thin, I'm 6'1" and 110 lbs.

To validate ZMF's point about people "ordering nasty shit at Subway":
I was waiting in line at a Quizno's behind a guy in a suit. He asked the sandwich maker, "What kind of meats do you have?"
The server rattles off a list [Chicken, ham, salami, etc]. Then the man says, "Great, I'll have that."
"Uh, alright… you want

Ole and Sven secure the rights to a book…

Freeeeze. Coooooool. Freeeeze. Coooooooold. Iceee.

I think the entire office should take a field trip, anyway, though.

But what about every SyFy [ech] original movie?

Maybe he lives at the AV Club office.

But what about Lon Chaney Jr?
Who he saw walking with the queen?

Eh, I kinda agree with Lobsters on the whole Chilton without healthcare thing. It's not like it was completely unpreventable in this specific case.

Thank goodness
The haor is strong with this one.

Hey Rabin
I'll review the new Eminem album for you. Please, man, I need a hot meal.

Yeah, eating a lot of chicken makes you green! Green as in sick!

Uh…uh… make… a comment… with… yeah.

I gotta go with There Will Be Blood.

Don't even own a TV, etc, etc

Hey, I become slips into unconsciousness all the time. Like right n

1992. I vaguely remember the Clinton sex scandal. Vaguely.

I watched it and it just didn't seem that good.