
AV Club headline, 2010:
Things Flying at the Screen for 2 Hours [IN 3D] sets box office record

This article is odd
1. Do you really need to explain what a 1- UP and a "brown mushroom" are? Really?
2. This essay deal sort of tries to wax philosophic about game theory but I didn't find it particularly engaging, mainly because most of the "revelations" it contains are incredibly obvious. Video games should be FUN?

And hung out with her, too!

So in summation
Everyone involved behaved pettily and stupidly?
Great, now I don't have to read this.

Holes, the kid's book?

As I said, I went through a B-52s obsession phase in middle school. Fred Schneider's voice is the shit.

It is just you!
You are alone in this world.

Man, Adorable Dog's EP is actually pretty good.

Dear people wondering if they had help:
Please read the description of the youtube video.

Vin Diesel
is a bald actor.

Yeah, the video completely overshadows the… musical thing. There was a musical thing, right?

You get half a high-five.

I'm one of those guys that reviews video games, and as a poster I am equally non-well known.

agh my wheelchair

Man, I was hoping this would be like the American Hot Fuzz.

What, Jorge, that doesn't sound delicious?

Mancakes are hairy buttcheeks. I thought everyone knew this.

This trend sucks! They need to start boutiques for things that not everybody at least tolerates! I will open my new fancy trendy Dolmades bar in New York and soon there will be designer Dolmades and all will be well.

Scientist: I have combined the DNA of the world's most evil animals to make the most evil creature of them all.

You and two other random assholes who already posted!