
I saw the middle of Matinee [probably from 15 minutes in to 30] and never could figure out what the hell was going on.

Maybe it's funny the second time around?

I'm just baffled that Nabin is considered a celebrity.

The real question is
Did that guy with the miracle George Lopez piss on his pants show up?

Hey guys, there's no Firefly on this list! What gives?

Well, um, congrats.

I read the grade in combination with the name as
I -
Harsh, man, harsh.

My prolificacy is directly inverted to my "not-well-knownedness," though!

No, no! Pick me! I'm a mechanic from Ohio! Everyone says I should have my own show or something!

Well hell
Who else has a promising career being funny that we can tarnish by making them unfunny for 2-3 hours?

Thankfully, Dr. Seuss did not write the dreck that is the Berenstain Bears.

Everybody Farts: The Movie

Man, the "cancer aids" comment means so much from the guy who clearly wanted the firstie himself!

Oh I'm sorry

Zorro, the complete first season?
Here let me summarize:
Zorro does some stuff, kills a bad guy or rescues a girl from a bad guy, then carves a Z and rides off
There saved you 50 dollars

They are timeless, but it hurts to watch Michael Stipe strut around a stage with all these young people watching and him thinking "Hey I am so relevant right now"

[Kratos decapitates an evil centaur, then turns to the camera.]
Kratos: This is why we should be looking for alternative fuel sources.

I cannot wait for the social commentary that God of War III must be.

Pirate Radio surprisingly probably won't use the same-titled song by the Toasters. Which is too bad. Actually, maybe it isn't.

I'm Walter Cronkite, and this is the way it never was.