
The writers behind Yes Man are helming this one?

It's because they… snrkk… break wind!
Ha ha ha!

Pssh, I'd rather have seashells in my ear, anyway.

This show is filmed live? Wow, this is more impressive than I realized.

I was hoping this was the "Bass Hero" game we've all been waiting for.
A, B, G, E, A…


You can stick with your Red Snapper
Or you can take what's in the box!

Nor is this the movie.

Area Nancy Grace Not Yelling At You, She's Just Saying
Coming to an Onion near you.

Hichael and Hichael Mave Issues-
Hichael and Hichael go to buy some pot for their boss, but then the show abruptly ends and you spend the next 10 minutes staring at nothing!

Madea Dearest

What about animated cartoon movies about toys that talk? That sounds right up Zemekis's alley.

Speaking of Coast to Coast, anyone heard the American Life bit they had on it a few years ago. It was in the best episode of theirs I'v heard, "Fake Science."

Man, this sounded like such a great idea I was really praying for this to be really, really good. I'll settle for "pretty okay," though.

Jesse Eisenberg
I kind of feel bad for that guy. Every time I see him, I say, "He kind of reminds me of Michael Cera," and everyone who has heard me say it says, "That's not Michael Cera?"

"I don't think that's going to be easy to enforce"
Sure it is!

So this is it, eh?
Hornby's brief foray into young adult fiction is already over. To be fair, though, it seemed like his young adult book read pretty much like his adult books.

I think everyone would be okay if they did a surgical strike on Conrad.

Saw this movie at a hotel, was going to turn the channel but it was actually kind of funny so I watched it. It was surprisingly good, but I kind of remember it being marketed as exactly what it was satirizing.

Crying on… command… got me… a cable… modem.