
Best part is? He thought she'd actually care about Orange County football teams. Yikes.

In 11 years Fox will have a show called "Thinly Veiled Boobs" and then we'll know Italy was always ahead of the curve.

Italian Television
As far as I can tell, the entire thing is an excuse to ogle women. They're either ahead of or behind the times, I can't decide which.

Oh, I'm sorry, apparently the name of the next "9" is "NINE." When they're talking about it on the radio, it's obviously very easy to differentiate between numbers and letters.

So let me get this straight. There's District 9, now there's this, 9, and I hear there is a new movie titled- are you ready?- 9 coming out.

Love, Actually was okay. There, I said it.

You know what hasn't been done recently

There's got to be a better way of putting that.

23 by MC Lars. Actually pretty okay.

Right, right. It's ironic; I bought the Smithereens version of "Gloomy Sunday" and "The Ledge" at the same time. The Ledge is the first thing I thought of when I saw this list. It's actually pretty good.

When the "Drop the Chalupa" ad happened, I was, what, ten? I would use it in any instance where something needed to be dropped or even picked up.

The moral of the story
Never adopt anything.

I dunno, I'd probably rather watch Who Dat Ninja? than G-Force.

shhh, you'll make them retaliate by waiting for ZMF to reply to you


For some reason, my ride to junior prom chose to blare this as we pulled into the parking lot. I recall keeping my head down the entire time.

Oh no, here they come…

Ska is summer
For me, ska is summer. I don't listen to ska that much the rest of the year, but there's something so damn… summer about happy basslines and horn sections. Third Wave, Second Wave, it doesn't matter.
Ska is summer.

I know, I'm missing the excitement of the same levels over and over again!

I like the Lolita episode.