
Bingo, we have it here in Montgomery county. There also are some ads for some DC area radio station, whose name escapes me. What's recognizable about these ads are the horrible computer generated animations of people who instantly start dancing jerkily to the hits of today and yesterday. Really, the animation is so

Once, I got a customer service rep named "Urine." They continually specified it was pronounced "Ur-EEN" after I asked them to spell it.
Why haven't they been on a reality show yet!

The look on Jughead's face may say a lot, but the deformity of his hand says even more.

I eagerly await excited fans throwing bottles of Tabasco at onstage Beastie Boys.

Night at the Brandywine Museum- Bunches of Andrew Wyeth paintings come to life and continue to be boring. On the bright side, Hank Azaria and Dan Castellaneta will voice every one of them.

Speaking of Pee-Wee
Whenever somebody mentions going against authority, I use a quote, stolen from my father, stolen from Pee Wee. "I'm a rebel. I'm a rebel, Dottie." Spoken in the appropriate nasally voice, of course.