
I'm genuinely amazed at how not-freakish he looks. Although his face going sour was probably the best thing that ever happened to his movie career.

Ardor = Noun Form of Arduous
Or maybe the people in GERRY get all randy every time they have to drag their dying bodies across the desert to a source of water that's probably a mirage? I haven't seen the movie, I don't know.

His citizens will be all, "Wow, this dictator is SO OUT THERE! He just had my brother shot for petting a goat the wrong way and it is making this social situation EXTREMELY AWKWARD. I hope no one watching the tape of this thinks I'm some sort of tight-ass bitch for not LAUGHING MY BALLS OFF."

@Phish So, if you're saying that this show might lead to teenagers getting it on more, then, damn, we need to put it in prime time.

…whom did David O. Russell bawl out on the set of this movie? Which actor or craft services peon hates his egomaniacal guts?

Uh oh
But…will the movie suffer a shortage of massively oversized jaws then? Can Luke Wilson or Henry Rollins have a role?

May the bank vault doors slam shut in your face just before you enter. May the reavers dine slowly on your still-living flesh.

You have a point, Gordon. If they'd had tentacles at hand, I'm sure the Japanese would've put them to use in Nanking.

You've got your causality all wrong, Jim. What, save the explosion of a couple of nukes in the middle of large population centers, could possibly explain a set of grotesque sexual fixations such as those found in Japan? You should feel EVEN WORSE about the bombs now that you've been, uh, enlightened.

+, you gorgeous son of a bitch.

I ain't said what anyone did was good, right, or smart. My point is that the sellers of MBS's were not (directly) taking advantage of your poor grandma who got dementia five years ago but still has a phone, a computer, and a bank account. They sold (and bought) shitty goods that they largely did not know were so

Ahem, before "they're gone," dammit.

Of course, most of the people buying mortgage-backed securities were institutional investors who, like, the people selling them, should theoretically have been able to tell how shitty these investments were. Obviously, no one did; you will notice that the evil banks themselves all went bankrupt (nearly, but not

Personally, I love it when you someone doesn't afraid of anything.

Let me say this is a dude who plays a lot of video games: if you think that Master Chief, Cortana, and the space marines are strong characters, and if you find their, uh, banter fresh and endearing, you play way too many video games. Having no characters and no dialogue is not very different from having the mediocre

Fair enough, then. I apologize for my presumption. When you explicitly admit that you're presuming something, maybe you should hold back on the diatribe until you've confirmed your premises.

I just looked Basquiat's stuff up on Google images, and now I understand where every alt-rock album cover from the 90s came from.

Ho ho. Go fuck yourself.

Aaargh, undone by the double-negative. I blame the leftists. Unless the rightists FRAMED them for it.

Oh, we're talking about foreign policy? Let me break it down for you: 1) The people we're supporting in this conflict are bad. 2) The people we're antagonizing are bad. 3) We are bad. That was easy. You don't even have to read the names of the countries and leaders involved to render this analysis and be correct.