
Sounds like this movie could be easily fixed with an iPod, some ambient and classical music, and some noise-cancelling headphones.

This one feels to me like Noel was writing it, and he finished, and then he realized that it was only half as long as usual, and he was like, "Hmmm, yeah, I should probably think of something else to add about this movie…wow, fuck, I don't think I remember a single other detail. Oh well!"

Wait, who's responding to whom? My second comment was directed at the lovely Miss Anywhere I lay my head. I'm not so sure about these claims that this internet thing makes communication faster and cheaper than ever before. It's more like it makes snarky, self-satisfied banter more confusing then ever before.

Please adjust your self-conscious irony detector to a higher setting. You may be missing out on key parts of the conversations you take part in.

It should be pointed out that affirmative action does in fact "discriminate against rich white people." As I understand it, that's the entire and explicit point. The question isn't "Does affirmative action discriminate against white people?" but "Is discriminating against white people a constructive way to repair and

What's really annoying is how the Marxist/Stalinist/Maoist/Progressive/Democrat axis keeps lumping us libertarians in with the Objectivists, Republicans, and conservatives. As if.

Mega-famous music celebrity with decades of success + schlocky 70s TV star? The similarities are eerie.

Maybe I'm crazy, but I laughed out loud at the Pablo Escolar comment, much as I did with the pork-fucking description. Not because it was good or anything, but because it was such a ludicrous and obviously canned thing for someone to say. Horrendous puns aren't funny, but Toby repeatedly deciding to spout horrendous

Actually, as someone who's lived on as ostrich farm and watched an ostrich get professionally slaughtered and butchered, I can say that their lives and deaths are about as happy as could be expected. They need and receive lots of room to run around and do ostrich things (no miniscule cages, they would just die), and