
I don't really visit AVC very much anymore, but I just want to say that I'm impressed that this novelty account is still active. Whoever you are, I salute you.

So… this is just Xavier: Renegade Angel in real life? I'm ok with that.

Step 1: ingest drug of choice
Step 2: put on X:RA
Step 3: say "WHAT… DOTH… LIFE" to each other until 5am.

Oh, you

Subway is the only place to have a proper sit-down breakfast, anyway. That's some goooood versimillipede.

Naw im good thx

**The AV Club**

Tusk lacks the conviction that would make it anything more than
an outré curiosity; it’s essentially a filmed dare, combined with fan

It's imgur, and it's a picture of an Asian dude holding a little post-it with his username and so forth. Just so's you know.

Almost at 20,000 comments big guy! Keep going man you're almost there!


I've heard enough from this sexist!

Now, what rhymes with "bald asshole"?

I can see this being popular in either Oregon or Florida, or maybe both.

Welcome to the party, Dwight

It's a whoooole other world down there

She's still with me, you'll have to wait for me like Frank after Dennis

I know you're joking about that last part, but I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight if I didn't at least do a quick search.

I disapprove of tattoos, but I *do* have them.