
I don't know… they work hard, but they also play hard.

Mafia money and pizza and other… racist things.

I don't like where this is going

Good point - that message becomes especially poignant when you slap your own name on something that isn't yours. ART!

Wow, now I'm REALLY glad I didn't click on that. Ebaumsworld? Seriously?

In my first apartment I was receiving increasingly irritated-sounding voicemails every month or so, from the receptionist of a certain office worker who apparently wasn't showing up to meetings. Probably because his voicemails were left on my phone instead of his. He was probably fired, all because he wasn't getting

This paradise you speak of, this shangri-la… how do I reach it?

Why the face, anyway? Of any body part that could turn in to a gun, the face seems the least convenient.

Hitler's going to be angry about that… wonder how he'll react..

Looks like we got a psycho over here!

8/10, would recommend watching while drunk

It probably has something to do with the sexy bachelor lawyer neighbour she has seen tending to his garden, shirtless.

Seriously, the frozen McRib is no less revolting than the ready-to-eat McRib

I think The Big Lebowski proved that they are pretty much just fucking with people sometimes, and they were going for that in BAR, but it never really hit a groove like TBL did.

Hey guys, shut up, I'm trying to procrastinate in here.

I really love our organized discussions! This is the most efficiently I've ever interneted in my life!

I really liked it - it never occurred to me to compare it to Woody Allen, but it does strike me as uniquely Coen-y in its cinematography, plot, dialogue, characters… it felt like Barton Fink 2 to me, which I am pretty okay with.

Yeah I'm despicable too, apparently, because watching George Clooney jog around and have middle-aged sex problems wasn't exactly blowing my mind. Somewhat chuckle-inducing at parts (I'll admit, watching Clooney stomp out of his mistress's house carrying his sex wedge in a huff was pretty funny), but that's about the

Those were all triumphs. Coens have been consistently making great movies since Barton Fink, and any claims of a decline in quality over the years are just wrong.

I totally agree, I only need to see the Coen Brothers name on the trailer and I will definitely see it in theatres. Haven't really been disappointed except for Burn After Reading, which was terrible.