
I'm a motherfuckin' MONSTER!! MBDTF was excellent.

Yeah I also listened to only one episode, and found it kind of shlocky and uninteresting. It seemed like they were trying too hard to be funny and not really "riffing", which I found off-putting.

Whatever he wants, you say? I'd watch that.

David Attell used to have a show called "Insomniac" that played late at night on The Comedy Network, which is the Canadian version of Comedy Central. It played before or after a show called The Buzz, which was a Canadian comedy show. It was seriously my favorite hour of television when I was in high school, and I


My occupation brings me in to many kitchens, and that is basically how things are cooked in any chain restaurant. Unfortunately, the majority of the restaurant-going public likes to know exactly what they are getting every time they go somewhere, so everything is very carefully portioned and timed and processed so

Tell us everything, friend. This is a safe place.


Scary thought for the day: in Canada, we don't have ANY Olive Gardens. Yeah, let that sink in.

This America sounds like a wonderful place. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday I would like to go there.

"I'm looking for the magic"

Hey, you're the guy from the article! I was wondering why you were so confident about the pronunciation of the name Cenate. It was because it's your own name. Makes sense.. I GUESS.

Then order and consume an entire large pizza, then… ???

You want to have some guy reach around you in the middle of the night, start messing with your junk? And IT NEVER STOPS, guys! And everybody acts like it's no big deal.

Oui, et la France.

Just a reminder, we are all commenting on the internet here.

Sounds like he lives in the Capital in The Hunger Games.

It's actually used strictly by people who don't want to say the word "guess" to indicate their uncertainty, since they want to be taken seriously, even though they are very uncertain.

How do you pronounce that name, exactly? Senate?

The above said… the above said… the… "above said"….