
Well he should stop wandering on to the Shocker-hand property then, if he doesn't want to get shocked.

Oh, ya like bread and circuses? Well how de ya like deese breads and circuses?

Let the movie title suggestions flow! I'll start:

Never stop.


I think he doth protest too much

I don't know what this 7-11 contest is, but that story arc and concept was a reference to the tv series Dallas I believe.

Wedding, after wedding, after wedding!
-Troy McClure

Was that not the same episode that was just bible stories retold with Simpsons characters? Makes some small amount of sense in that context. However, I don't think The Simpsons ever had a canon.


They only have one tape, even though they're not that expensive.


That would sell, like, a billion copies!!!

Watch it as many times as you want, in 2 hours you'll just want to watch it again anyway.

@avclub-2ebe3bb8363c914bcd4b3e1f8395f9ff:disqus is that a threat???

His mouth said no, but his sexy, sexy mouth was also saying yes.


Short answer: yes


… Aunt Jemima's???