The Pensive Lenny

I thought it was toe-tapping fun!

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I've always hated the whole LOTR's ripoff the movie does. The show has always had hints of D&D throughout - the rust monster and the beholder- but the LOTR thing just seems lazy to me. A little homage would have been nice due to LOTR's popularity and hand in creating high fantasy. The show could have easily done more

I actually really enjoy Comic Book Guy's struggles in the later seasons. He was never just a one line character, more of a stereotype that took longer to bloom than others. But if you look at his evolution compared to Apu you can see many similarities.

I think its supposed to be a manifestation of her desire to succeed at all costs and the troubled conscience for breaking her own code of ethics.

I think its the same one used when he "kills" Maude and when they dug up the dead plant.

Did you contrast Marge's Reality billboard and the Lumber King's billboard on sexualization of each gender?

It was the natural step after Kirk and Picard.

Okay, that makes a lot more sense. I'd heard about these rumored things called rating that determined if a show continued or not.

Should DS9 really be on this list? To buoy a show means that it was sinking.

So who has it worse? Zeep's universe because they're slaves working for a drunk "God," or Rick's universe who has no God and no one to blame for shit?

I don't think its this point simply because later in the episode you see him in a cast.

Please don't tell anyone how I live.

(Cheers theme starts playing.)

The problem was they tried to replace Lionel Hutz with him, and they leagues away from each other in terms of longevity.

Well, he did get fired for massive corruption for one.

The Marge vs. Lionel Hutz dynamic is also a throwback to Bart Gets Hit By A Car. Very good, under used character dynamic in the series. It really makes the episodes.

Yeah, who cares about characters internal conflicts. Lets just stick to meta-humour and references.

I was think why this episodes A and B stories work compared to some newer episodes that feel tacked on. Story A grows naturally from B, weave in and out independently from each other and then dovetail together to form a unified whole.

At least with this sentence know what the subject is.