The Pensive Lenny

I'm glad your knowledge of anarchy is good. Now could you take some to structure a sentence to get your point across?

Those are the exact qualities he linked to the process of Rick's method.

That's pretty off topic, but kinda. In a Guillermo Del Toro directed opening for Tree House of Horror XXIV Cthulhu is a highlight in the sequence. The opening was received quite positively, like most of the guest creator openings.

I've always thought that he would be a better producer than creator. Someone behind the scenes whose connected and has a good eye for projects.

I actually think that a remake of The Flintstones might work now days. Macfarlane might be the guy to get the project off the ground, but he needs to be kept away from the creative process.

I'm just going to lay here till my wrestling rager goes down. Coach says they're perfectly normal; he told me so while we were having cognac at his condo.

I'm surprised I have to say this, but Seth MacFarlane has very little to do with the majority of AD. Mike Barker and Matt Weitzman -they play the two scientists at the CIA- are mostly the creative force behind the show.

They crop up in my day to day quotes of American Dad.

16 seasons in and its still known as that Family Guy rip off…

How is that possible!?

I thought the Roller Derby episode was the high point for the season.

They admitted it! I knew it was for spite!

I thought it seemed pretty obvious that Yivo's a creep and everyone couldn't see because they were attracted to him.

I still say this is the best movie out of the four. The problems it has are minor and I find most of the jokes land. I don't think any of the films really feel like a cohesive whole, partly due to the episodic/movie format, and partly due to this being a comedy and plot tends to be trumped by a good joke.

I wouldn't say best example. Most obvious, yes.

Okay, I can see what you're getting at.

He's right! We've been wasting our lives! To hell with T.V reviews, I'm
going to do what I've always dreamed of. I'm gonna write that sitcom about that sassy robot.

The only time Homer is part of the mob is when it effects him personally. This didn't. I'm sorry, but I still don't see your point.

I don't understand what your getting at. Could you elaborate?

Yes to both of them. The difference is we didn't see much of those events. It total it probably accounts for a minute of screen time; also both were a lens through the family and how they perceive the world.