The Pensive Lenny

Very meh episode. A couple chuckles and a nose laugh, but it wasn't that great. I was also put off by the larger scale of the story. So far everything has been relatively small scale or at least secluded away from the larger implications of earth society. Bringing in the American government really takes away from the

No, its perfectly in line with his character. The angel show is just another version of charging people to see and ride Stampy as well as charging people to use his trampoline.

I think we have to look deeper to find a satisfying ending to this episode. I love the middle ground that it takes throughout, and I like the more standoffish nature between Marge and Lisa. The only problem is that ending isn't it. It feels like a cop-out.

I think its a natural evolution from the early days of cartoon violence with less humanoid characters. Various creatures being impaled, exploded, bashed, run over, shot out of cannons, shot at by cannons, shot in the face. It was broad and they narrowed it down. Watching bodily harm happen to humanoids isn't fun, but

Are they slim as well?

A film series AND multiple spin-offs.

Trust has nothing to do with fact. Fact simply is; you can trust it or not, but that doesn't change it.

A personal favorite of mine.

Buy it isn't opinion; you are factually a dick. Its 8 degrees outside, and your are a dick.

Well he does cocaine in the first episode, plus a number of other drugs. He is part of a group of responsible cocaine users. They adhere to strict rules
to ensure things don't get out of control.

I couldn't care less about your opinion because your a dick. I've never said that you were wrong for for opinion, but don't think that you're conduct is justified because you're in the minority. You don't need to be a dick when talking to people who disagree with you.

Your attitude is pretty condescending. Your "I expect your upvotes will console you to your righteousness at this time" was trying to invalidate a legitimate question by taking a holier-than-thou-because-I-have-a-different-oppinion-than-the-group-and-therefore-more-valid stance.

Hey, get a picture of me being "mugged!"

I move that we vote on a new chief executive officer and oust this old creep. And also that my cat smells good and is pretty.

B- isn't that bad of a grade. Actually the review is far more harsh than the letter grade lets on.

Wow. Just, wow.

Everything but the fantasy sequence works for me in Bender's Game. I especially love Lela's addiction to violence throughout it.

I've found that catching shows on the re-run changes how you perceive an episode. I've watched new episodes of The Simpsons the day they aired and hated them, and on the rewatch I've thoroughly enjoyed them.

I'm surprised that people hate it. Most Futurama fans I know aren't to critical on the series as a whole to have an opinion one way or another, but I'm continually surprised at the shit people rag on in the hardcore-fan groups.

Exactly right. Its a funny, fully realized concept that isn't treading old territory. I like Bender's Big Score for its reintroduction and good parts to the series, but it does have problems. I hate Bender's game because it just turns into a lazy LOTR's ripoff, which actually telegraphed the biggest problem of the CC