The Pensive Lenny

But there can't be any value in something if it isn't lumped into a group consensus!

Isn't this a problem for most T.V to movie series. Pacing seemed to be the biggest issues for the bad Star Trek movies.

Yes, I'll fix that.

The first movie is good enough. I personally think Beast With a Billion Backs is the best, but Bender's Big Score was their first movie, their first script since being cancelled; the staff had never written a movie for Futurama before, and this needed to be a treat for their fans because that was the reason they got

Yeah, its a shit show over in that sub.

I saw the Mr. Poopybutthole being real from the second the premise was set, so the shock wasn't there from the shooting, but that wine scene that capped off the episode really got me. Wow, it was dark.

Hot in Cleveland is an intentional throwback series, so I can them using the clip-show format without stretching the boundaries too much.

Never heard that before, but I can see it.

Its so hard to watch.

Agreed that the people around him are to blame for some of it, but at some point his ignorance cant redeem him anymore. The ending of the first season was so perfect because it felt like he finally had a moment of clarity and got away from the cult that is Review, and than they sucked him back in for a second season.

Its not hard to see the worst of yourself in the gang.

Forest's continued destruction of everything around him is is getting really hard to watch; It's funny, but damn, how much more can the audience take by still being able to watch this horrible man. Review needs to take some lessons from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and find the right balance between relatable

stupid grading systems and their subtle sades of gray meaning

This was jaw dropping for sci-fi fans, like usual R&M

Its way more than we usually get from hostile entities in sci-fi. The argument can be made that they made Unity too human, but I think it adds perspective even if she wants to take over the universe. It isnt treated as evil, just its nature.

Ah, the ol room for improvement grade.

You know that guy eats his own shit.

Anyone else love the misdirect of humanizing Unity instead of treating it as a threat like the Borg?

Interesting thought. R&M is probably the natural evolution from the groundbreaking work of Doctor Who and Futurama.

So, why the A-? This was is up there in the best R&M episodes.