Tiny Joseph

Greg Dulli is probably my favorite musician of all time. By a quick count, I believe he's released 14 full length records in his career. Not one of them is bad.

Jared, I have the back on black vinyl release of Black Love and I cannot possibly recommend it highly enough. Check eBay or Amazon (or Amazon UK).

Saw them on that tour. It absolutely was.


"Scare Bear". That and the fact that the solar system themed super villain from last season is named "Sun-sational" AND that neither of these villains are ever mentioned by name in the show is proof that Doc and Jackson are actual geniuses.

Dr J, that may be the most perfect comment I've ever seen. I sorely hope you are absolutely right.

Not only is this arguably the best show on television, the way the look of the show has evolved has been amazing. The attention paid to backdrops and architecture is just staggering.

I have that one. It's a completely fitting tribute and one of my prized possessions.

Had all of Metallica died in the bus accident that killed Cliff Burton, they'd go down as one of if not the greatest Metal band of all time.

I was in NY this past weekend and was walking through Times Square Sunday afternoon. Packed streets, tourists everywhere (totally get why the locals hate it). Anyway, all of a sudden Hank Azaria walks past me with his son. Nobody stops them. Nobody is bothering them. And I'm thinking to myself "Man, how cool is that?"

I wonder if Joe Jackson (Look Sharp Joe Jackson) ever realized he was so universally looked upon as the "good" Joe Jackson?

"The Last In Line matched Holy Diver in almost every regard, and its Egypt-themed stage show set the bar for metal-concert-production value excess, non-Iron Maiden division."

We like Roy!

Okay, I've watched this show for years, but I've never posted on the boards as I always saw seasons after their DVD release as I refused to pay for Showtime.  Decided to bite the bullet and pick it up for the last season.

Or Canceraids

By the way… love the Tick reference, PyloricSphincter

I was just coming on here to post just that.  How the fuck do you miss Reed Rothchild!  Or Chest Rockwell!!!

Three things.
1. As a Slayer fan from way back, though I find this in no way surprising, it's still really sad.  RIP Jeff.
2.  Fantastic job on this article, Marah.  This is hands down the most thorough thing I've seen on Jeff's passing.  Thank you.
3.  It is fucking criminal that Zodiac Motherfucker didn't get the

"New York Groove" being the ONLY hit off any of the 4 solo albums in 1978 essentially destroyed Kiss.  Ace mistakenly thought he could pull off a solo career, Peter continued to feel unappreciated and Paul & Gene's egos never recovered until the other two left.

Man, this was well done all around.  Excellent performance.  Orbison's original is a masterpiece and this really does it justice.