
This way, they'll be able to devote more time to the most popular show among the elderly: "Watching All Our Friends Die and Wondering When it Will be Our Time."

It sounds like you really showed your grandparents. That'll teach them to express mild excitement about things.


" 'Ey, dawg, you got my shit?" Chewbacca asked, very loudly, on his space phone in the middle of a crowded Arby's. "Bitch, you know what I mean. Those babies. Those babies that I EAT. And, all my fuckin' space weed."

Look, I need to insult you, but Andy just opened a closet and it was literally just filled with spiders. Some of the live ones are wearing the dead ones as hats. It's great. So, we're busy. Just mix-and-match from the elements below:

Since it's the end of our stupid reality show's season, I'll let you creeps keep this. At least until the morning.

All of them.

Andy…I'm blocking this site on every computer you use.

Upload a rip of "Untenpresser Holle Engel" by Schadenjammen somewhere. We ruined the disc tray on our computer when we tried to golf out of it.

Ben, it's weird that the pube thing was what you had an issue with.

God dammit, I hate notepad. I can never tell how long any thing is. I wouldn't read this and I wrote it.

It's progress. Who the hell is GarthVader?

Ben Wyatt pulled his '93 GEO Prizm into the driveway of the home he shared with his beautiful wife, Leslie. He left work early, it was only 3:17 AM. His boss was furious. There was a chance Benjy might lose his job as a tester at the women's pubic hair trimmer factory, but they needed him. His private hair grew so


No. I wasn't.

TLDR: Ben Wyatt jams thing into his peehole.

Chewbacca sat alone in his room watching the first season of Downton Abbey and mainlining ketamine. This was how he got in the zone and he had to be in the zone today. In a few short minutes he was going to be in the most high-stakes slam dunk contest that King's Landing had ever seen. If he won, he got his baby back


I think it's effective no matter what your state. When I watched it high the movie is so unyielding in its strangeness that by the end I'm fatigued by the onslaught.

You don't need to tell people Pawnee is weird. You show that with the soap lines. Anyone who watches the show knows Pawnee is weird, anyone who doesn't can infer it from those lines and the real people who live there already know it's weird. We don't walk around saying obvious things all the time. We walk around