
I think his hair might constitute a hate crime actually.

That was tragic, but doing six seasons of The Americans despite its horrible ratings washes it away in my mind.

At least one journalist tried but was not allowed to inspect the folders.

I'm impressed that you were able to wait until your second post before shoehorning in a bizarre comparison to Donald Trump. Well done sir.

Are you saying that it's just a given that the KKK will endorse any GOP candidate?

Sorry you can't handle the truth. Just stay in your Jill Stein anti-WiFi, anti-vaccine bubble.

I'm not asking questions, I'm making direct accusations. Jill Stein is utterly incompetent, as evidenced by her own words.

What? I'm saying Jill is incompetent…

What method is that? Pointing out that Jill Stein thinks Wi-Fi needs to be studied further to determine its health risk?

I never mentioned Jill Stein until George_Liquor did.

Ctrl+f wifi: 0/0 results. How come she can't address that part of the segment? For a supposed refutation, that's pathetically weak.

Or, just maybe, it never happened at all.

You just posted a link to a quote from Jill Stein. Just stop man. You're making yourself look really bad.

I don't understand your point. Obviously we expect them to endorse Trump. And they did. What's your point here?

Whoa, I must have missed this. She blasted "corporate comedians" using "oppressive tactics?" I'm definitely gonna need a link for those quotes. You should start a news site, because you're clearly scooping all the reputable ones.

I just don't get what your point is. You're saying they were going to endorse someone, and they endorsed Trump. Yes that is what political groups do.

I expected them to endorse Trump. And they did.

I think it's mostly Trump supporters voting multiple times. Unless you mean to just vote once in every election, especially 2018, in which case I agree.

In all fairness, Mark Wahlberg did forgive himself for that. What a brave man.

So you're positing that after four weeks of a city-wide search, they were somehow able to find the car, keep it secret, coach Jay on its location and the burial spot of Hae, and move it? All without a single person leaking this info in the last 15 years?