
I mean, I feel like I explained this already when I said that DNA testing in 1999 was not very common, and I'm not sure if it was even possible at the time to analyze it with a high percentage of reliability.

They did collect DNA evidence. Not sure if you know this, but in 1999, DNA was not a standard form of analysis. It was very expensive.

Why do you believe Adnan's defense team refused to go through with DNA testing offered by The Innocence Project, thus leading The Innocence Project to withdraw their support?

Any ideas on how Jay knew the location of the car and body if his story is incoherent bullshit?

Wyatt Russell was incredible. I liked him a lot in Everybody Wants Some!!, but this was just something else. One of the best naturalistic performances I've seen in a long time.The scene where he loses his memory, paired with the subtext of his father who had Alzheimer's, was just great.

I agree, and I honestly wonder if he might actually serve time. He does have that 13-year old Jane Doe trial coming in December.

Totally agreed. Although I will say FX/FXX is kind of a tier above AMC in my opinion. Between The Americans, Fargo, Justified, American Horror & Crime Story, Archer, It's Always Sunny, Louie, Better Things, You're The Worst, along with some promising upcoming shows, it's going to be hard for AMC to compete.

I think that since they're overflowing with money from The Walking Dead, they want to invest in critically acclaimed series like the ones that brought them into the big league (Breaking Bad & Mad Men).

I love this show, and I'm so glad AMC is sticking with it despite mediocre ratings. It really improved in seasons 2 & 3, and I look forward to getting a proper conclusion.

How do you have a reasonable discussion about someone saying "grab her by the pussy?"

Except Roiland and Harmon are still on track to bring us season 3 by end of year last I heard.

Looks like everyone's problem was that the school was making a totally different food items and calling them specific asian dishes.

It's on the front page of reddit.

How does this have anything to do with rape culture? Two white men saw this disgusting individual and subdued him and called the police. Rape culture specifically refers to women being fearful to speak out, but this bastard was caught red-handed.

Flag for what? Pointing out that a rich white man gets off with 6 months for rape, meanwhile a black man gets 41 to life for a rape case, while being innocent, so he has to plea down to 5 years in prison, and another 5 of probation.

So you think that a QUADRUPLE MANSLAUGHTER is LESS BAD than a RAPE? It boggles my mind if you think someone who kills 4 people while driving drunk should serve less time than someone who committed rape. I wonder what commonalities they have.

No it didn't. Ethan Couch got 2 years of probation for killing four people. Did you even read what I said??

And Ethan Couch? He killed four people and got 2 years of probation. Surely that's worse than a rape.

Brian Banks was facing 41 years to life for a crime he did not commit. How does rape culture factor into that?

Then how come Brian Banks got so many years when he pled guilty? Meanwhile Brock gets 6 months when he didn't make a plea deal!