jenny hegemony

Eh, actually, the Colonies were pretty infamously a sexual free-for-all, by historical standards. People were forever fretting about all the unauthorized boning and unmarried childrearing that Americans got up to. Here's a pretty decent little survey of the evidence.

Sure, I guess in real life it would be groovy to keep your superpowers. But Matilda is clearly not a work of gritty realism — it's written in the tone of a fairytale, and the return to normalcy (albeit an improved version of normalcy) is usually the goal in a fairytale. Matilda's TK didn't happen because she was

And Yoda's insufferability factor goes up somewhat when you realize that literally everything he ever says in the original trilogy is completely false. If Luke had actually done what Yoda told him to do at almost any point, everyone would've been completely boned. Maybe the guy who was in charge while the Jedi were

I know, it was great, wasn't it? That's something I could actually see being remade well, too. Just to look and feel a bit more contemporary. I think it could do pretty well on a totally reasonable budget.

In fairness, Lennon, like most famous abusers, had the good sense not to hit a woman more famous than he is.  We pretty much don't give a shit who you beat, as long as we don't already own any of her albums.

Bullshit to the idea that Sue's line about not wanting to Learn Lessons and Grow as a Person didn't make sense.  It was perfect, one of my favorite moments of the episode.  Yeah, yeah, when you've suffered a loss everyone wants to tell you how you can and should give it "meaning" by "learning something" from it.  And

I thought it was more of a bonding gesture between Kurt and Santana, who are pretty tight now in the Old Directions era.  She was hurting, and he felt like this was something he could do for her, to reassure her that underneath the teasing, he knows that she's a person with feelings.  It didn't strike me as so much

It was also nice to Mitchell look a little stung that Cameron had (very latent) feelings for the old crush.  It does sometimes come across like Mitchell thinks Cam is lucky to have landed him, and I always enjoy the episodes where he's cast a bit more in the pursuer role.

It's nice to know there's room for all of us to improve in our crafts, even after we turn 7.

I ignore this show's misogyny a lot, because I think it's a pretty funny show, but great muppety Jesus, making it the B plot tried my fucking patience.  Yeah, we get it.  The show's Perfect Girl is a not-like-those-other-girls girl, which is probably why she doesn't mind that her fiance is a piece of shit, because

I really liked Eastwick.  The whole run was on Hulu for a while, and now it isn't, and apparently never will be again?  This might be an acceptable substitute, aside from the lack of Paul Gross and Lindsay Price.  So — wait, not that acceptable a substitute.

D-R-C, it's okay with me if you love Babylon 5.  I love a lot of ridiculous things.  But if you happen to be someone who doesn't have a hard-on for tuning in once a week to get yelled at by JMS for not appreciating Sheridan's specialness enough, it doesn't have a lot going for it.  The acting is fking terrible, the

No, but my girlfriend had an "I Go to 'N Sync Concerts for the Pussy" t-shirt.  She wore it to the first concert we ever went to together, which was PopOdyssey in 2001.  Lance was her favorite, but other than that I like her a lot.

Didn't the CW also air Roswell?  Or was that the WB?  Anyway, aliens from outer space.  Counts, right?

Yes, loyal.  They will watch their shows until cancellation, however epically terrible even they think those shows have become.  (By this I really mean people who bonded with the shows *as* teenage girls — with decade-long runtimes, the fans of a show like Supernatural or Smallville will often be grownass women by the

Anyone arguing for Babylon 5 would, however, be objectively wrong.  Seriously, watch it again.  It's much, much worse than you remember it.

As others have said, it's not that they're hot, it's that they're indistinguishable.  A really well-cast show — say, Firefly — is obviously still full of beautiful people, because this is America, but they all look different from one another, and ideally they have a look that complements the specifics of their

Government Supersoldier Experimentation.  So yeah, i guess technically scifi.

oooh!  oooh!  I pick panda!

Absolutely.  One of my favorite emotional beats of the show is How Lily Stole Christmas, where Ted breaks down and expresses that he's still angry because she apologized to Marshall but not to him for splitting for California.  Obviously Marshall's (supposed) loss of his fiancee was the bigger deal, but Ted's loss of