jenny hegemony

DON'T LISTEN TO HIM, SANTANA.  shhh, baby.  shhhh.  It's okay.

It…passes the Bechdel test?  I mean, that's sort of a defense, isn't it?

You're probably right.  I can't really understand the psychology of the straight male fans of this show to start with — the show seems to go out of its way to make straight men look aggressively awful.  In fact, I watched it for a couple of seasons under the apparently misguided impression that it was a satirical

When I was doing my internship in a nursing home, it was all Food Network all the time.  I don't know that anyone was really watching it, per se, but the Food Network was sure as shit on tv.

Eh, on behalf of The Sisterhood, I'm gonna allow it.  Maybe just because it reminds me of Paula Marshall's character on that one dead sitcom where she played Ty Burrell's lesbian sister, and they were all competitive and skeevy with each other about their womanizing.  I kind of loved her, and I am imagining the

I watched that movie on Netflix literally last night.  ("Watch It Again!" Netflix told me, and I must obey.)  It's pretty great.

Return to Oz is still creepy as fuck.

I remember being sort of scared of the idea of negative numbers, when my father explained them to me at about 5 or 6.  *How could you count a thing that isn't there?*  I found it very unsettling.

Bridge to Terebithia.  I distinctly remember having a period of elementary-school philosophical crisis after reading that.  What are we?  Why is everything what it is?  What, if anything, lasts?

I watched it with my dad when I was pretty small.  I still like him fine.

It sounds like a B- episode of Glee.  So: yes, awesome!

"I Want It That Way" is not only not a great song, it's so bizarrely written that YOU NEVER FIND OUT WHAT WAY SHE SHOULD NOT SAY SHE WANTS IT.  Seriously!  It's not in the song!  There is no antecedent to "that!"  Or even "it!"  The whole thing is baffling and has been bugging the everloving crap out of me for the

I sometimes blast I Want You Back in the car.  It's pretty satisfying.

It seems really weird to me that you make no mental distinction between "let's turn this thing into a movie" and what Moore does, which is extremely far away from "let's turn Mina Harker into a comic book."  Moore isn't translating other people's stories into a different format.  He is complaining about stories being

Wow, that's douchey as hell.  We didn't miss those paragraphs.  We just don't think they prove what you assume they prove.  And no one has decided the discussion is invalid, as evidenced by the fact that we're having the discussion.  Fucking relax.

Can we please stop pretending that the Tea Party was some kind of spontaneous grassroots movement?  It's just too fucking ridiculous.

Because people have heard of South Pacific.  Sorkin only likes to namecheck stuff that he thinks you'll feel vaguely inferior for not recognizing.

I get what you're saying, but I can't agree.  The problem Glee often had with Very Special Episodes is that they felt randomly shoehorned in, like one day someone noticed they'd never done a domestic violence episode, and that had to be remedied immediately, for some reason.  They felt gratuitous.

She may very well decide not to continue as an anchor of the cast, but I'll be shocked if she doesn't want to come back to be a part of the tribute episode(s) that will kick off s5.  She's a stage actor at heart, and there's a powerful ethic there of showing up to hit your marks no matter what.  Hell, Jonathan Larson

I'm pretty sure it's because they might decide it wasn't such a great deal to ruin their health and risk their lives mining coal for poverty wages.  Public education's a real obstacle when you're trying to corral people into doing things that no one on god's green earth would ever volunteer to do if they weren't