jenny hegemony

I'm originally from central Missouri, although I don't live there currently.  That's where to find the meth.  There was also a lot of it around when I lived in north Georgia, although now I live in North Carolina and I haven't seen much evidence of it here — of course, I'm in a much more urban area than I was in MO or

When I was a kid, the death of the Chief on Gimme A Break was really hard and poignant.  Similar to this, the actor died over the summer break, and the show had to come back on with his friends and children struggling to pack up his life and re-enter normal life after mourning him.  I haven't seen it since it aired,

I think there are escalating steps to "over it."  After ending an 8-year relationship, I was dating again in less than a year, but, yeah, it was probably damn near 4 years before I really, honestly didn't care about the breakup anymore.  It didn't dominate my life or anything, but I could still think about her and

I assumed he meant the guy will figure anyone responding to his profile will also Google him.

Nobody knows what the hell slutty means.  The lack of a standard definition makes it the chick equivalent of "unmanly" — because there is no actual objective standard, anyone can be slapped with the label at any time.

I think it's just an American thing.  "I'm having some kind of — feelings!  Hasn't medical science FIXED that yet?"  No.  Sorry.  We don't yet have Anti-Human Condition pill technology.

I had the same reaction to MILA:  "So, am I completely awesome or just partially awesome?" is not a question.  I mean….it is a question, but shut up anyway.

Lesbian couples are generally pretty harmonious BECAUSE of all the talking.  It's our system, and it works for us.

I don't think the phrase "lesbian-identified" brushes away bisexual; it generally modifies it for greater specificity.  That said, the identification thing is a huge, complicated headache, and the way I see it, everyone takes their best stab at it and good luck.  My gf and I have been together 12 years, both bisexual

I can't take anyone seriously who does that "primary colors and message of good cheer" bullshit.  Come the fuck on.  Stories are about character change, and when you've already outlawed 99.5% of human feelings and experiences BECAUSE SUPERMAN, then you've made it automatically so that no one wants to bother writing or

I wouldn't go so far as "fuck you," but negative points for a misunderstanding of white privilege.  White rappers *do* have white privilege, but "has white privilege" DOES NOT MEAN "has money."  Stop using it that way, Al Madrigal et al.

Would it make you feel better if I told you that bedbugs *probably* weren't the only reason she was feeling a tad overemotional?

See, this is why kids shouldn't ask their parents what songs mean.  If you don't know, then you don't need to know.  That experience of listening to it later on and going, "oh, I suddenly get that…." is part of the process.

The problem with your logic is that, *inarguably,* the best actor in the film is Lily Tomlin.

I think it's feminist in that it very blatantly says that the problems women have are often not just their own personal problems, but systemic and institutionalized, and result naturally from larger social ideas about gender.  If it were just about three women who happened to hate their boss, no, but it's about three

Almost everyone is.

I'm guessing there'd be less rape than you think, because the immense difficulty of prosecuting rape cases implies that not all that many people are holding off because they think there's a huge chance they'll go to jail.  Not to say it wouldn't happen, but I think it would be very much like the movie presents murder:

I assume they're pissed because Ethan Hawke has violated their perceived rights.  Hell, even taking murder out of equation, if I were in the middle of doing something on the one night of the year when it had been specifically designated as legal, and some total stranger prevented me from doing it because it made *him*

Holy shit, the movie about the illegal shadow-services would be fucking amazing.  Ordinary men and women who band together as first responders on Purge night, knowing that they'll hang if they're ever identified.

For some reason I can't get this to play for me, but you had me at Pretty Hate Machine.