jenny hegemony

I really miss the tension in the first couple of seasons between having a dream and knowing from looking at the world around you that most people end up pretty much where their parents are. The show would tug on both ends of that rope and never really let the characters wholly believe or wholly give up.

I want to thank you for trying to talk to me about this in a civilized manner. I get that you're not coming from a bad place, and I hope you appreciate that I'm also not trying to score points off you or denigrate your concerns, which are also my concerns.

I'm sorry if I misinterpreted your post. There's something just a little off, to my ear, to being like, "I'm starting not to care about X group's issues, and I won't until Y group's issues are handled better," but I'm completely willing to put it down to awkward wording. I agree with you — as I just said — that Glee

It's just a tiny bit douchey to get up in arms about Glee being overly gentle with literally the one single transgender kid on network tv. Do the nation's trans kids really need to hear a more nuanced position on whether or not Unique's feelings deserve to be taken seriously?

But aren't single people driving the "household income" numbers down? Math is hard.

25k, Sleepy Hollow. I relate to it because, like Crane, I am living rent-free in a dead man's abandoned cabin.

Great, now even watching Bob's Burgers is going to make me feel broke as shit.

That's a low bar, though. I'm not very bright. My friends are extremely short books.

Charity-jail is a thing. I have seen it in the world, not just on the teevee. I don't really get why it's so much fun, either, but then, my friends are books.

I think it was a callback to Phil's love of cheerleading. Maybe it's tenuous, but I don't know, I just really believe Phil as someone who would find acrobats amazing.

The same lack of logic is going on in the Little Women entry. For those of you who may not have read it 947 times, let me assure you that JO DID NOT WANT TO MARRY LAURIE. He chased her pathetically, she tried to shove him away over and over, and finally she moved to New York hoping he'd just get the hell over it

Berger is mad underrated.

No, that's pretty much how I remember the movie, too.

Apropos of nothing, I frigging love your username.

Apropos of nothing, I frigging love your username.

I know this is not the topic, but thanks for the pithiest possible summation of the 2 Broke Girls experience.


Yeah, it's like Supernatural but without all the goddamn crying.

Yeah, it's part of the Revelations craziness — something about 12,000 people (specifically virgins, I think? Googling Revelations is such a terrible idea) from each of the 12 tribes of Israel who will convert to Christianity during the last days. I look forward to seeing how the show will work in the twist that

"No, no. Much less shameful than that."