jenny hegemony

Yeah, I'm pretty sure the kids don't listen to NIN anymore.  Fuck it, there hasn't been any good music since I was 21 anyway.  (/my father)

I always find that a weird argument.  Every last one of the genuinely nice people I know are either married or pretty-long-term partnered.

It's a weird movie, in that it really sort of wants to be arty, so it completely avoids all the really obvious narrative beats of A Body Switch Comedy.  It doesn't exactly achieve arty, and winds up somewhere around "perplexing," but truthfully, I sort of admire it for trying.

Come on, literally no one is saying that the movie has interesting gender elements because Chicks Kick Ass in it.  In fact, we're all saying the complete fucking opposite of that — that the interesting gender element is the way it subverts the dumb, knee-jerk idea that mashing women and violence together is totally

Well, I'm pretty qualified in my "defense" of it, but I agree with Adams' overall premise, that it's a messy but surprisingly thoughtful movie that tries to use successively stranger and stranger layers of fantasy to highlight how intensely misogynistic most of our cultural fantasies actually are.  Which is a legit

True in every way, except that I agree with both you and Adams — Sucker Punch is oddly paced, difficult to follow, *and* surprisingly interesting.  I wouldn't say it's a successful movie by any means, but yeah, I'm glad I watched it.  I'm just sorry that the structural messiness of it ended up obscuring what was

The only interesting thing about the show is that Melissa Joan Hart *is* the Mona character.  It leaves out the fussy, neurotic sitcom mom altogether, which is a development I approve of heartily.  I just wish it were…funny, at all.

I enjoy that show unironically.  All the episodes are on Youtube.  I would buy a fucking DVD set if one existed.  I think the one with Nell Carter made me cry a little.  And yet I still couldn't make it past four episodes of Melissa & Joey.

The episode title even comes from Jeremy being kind of a dick.  I love the way he's hugely snide about Natalie's "I could just tell," as if the idea of someone being intuitive about human feelings was the stupidest thing on the planet.  And then later on admits that she was completely correct in her assessment.  Pro

Nice try, AV Club, but you're not going to make me feel sorry for anyone who parties in Ibiza.

Once you learn how to use Google, you'll have to change your name to The Learned Astronomer!

Program it as a block with 2 Broke Girls and you have yourself a COMEDY JUGGERNAUT.

I'm pretty sure she did acknowledge that "if it was a sexual assault, it was of a very mild kind."

I was very tense about the sixth season when it aired — primarily because I thought the show's fixation on the Buffy/Spike trainwreck was gross and stupid — but I have to say that having gone back and watched it a couple of times since, I find more to like about it each time.  So I don't think it was just your age; I

Hey, Scully!  Watch me prove the existence of extraterrestrials!

I guess that's the least of my concerns about it.  Some people like a lot of attention, and some people are happy to provide attention.  So?

Right, but the question was why do queer women hate her guts.  The answer to that is not "too obvious."  That's why some straight people might find her off-putting.

Also, no one is a better judge than Dan frigging Savage of what lesbian and bisexual women ought to feel.

Just imagine how disappointed her friends will feel when she brings home Josh Radnor.

Cristin Milioti:  Too Ugly to Find Love.  Noted.