Except it's made by people, not dogs. So if they don't know better, it's not because they're constitutionally incapable, it's for the same reason that other assholes don't know how not to be assholes. Because they're assholes.
Except it's made by people, not dogs. So if they don't know better, it's not because they're constitutionally incapable, it's for the same reason that other assholes don't know how not to be assholes. Because they're assholes.
Star Trek is, was, and always has been ridiculously sexually conservative in almost every way. (Even Kirk, despite his reputation, only sleeps with a couple of women in the series, one of whom he's married during a whole amnesia thing.)
I think once you're already doing something with your life that you know a lot of people are going to mock you for, it's easier to just let go of the fucks you used to give and decide to openly try any of the things that sound fun to you. So, yeah, basically a sense of adventure develops.
That's weird, because you sound really charming.
I apologize for some of the things! About half the things!
I'm a dumbass about this stuff, so this could be totally wrong, but why can't the networks steal cable's models, too? When I was a kid, the networks ran movies a couple of times a week. TBS and the like still do that; it can't be hugely expensive, especially if you're buying the beloved older flicks that you see all…
I love that people have just replied as though this were an honest question. This fits with my new life philosophy: What Would Marshall Do?
I kind of like how the review actually says out loud that Elementary plotlines are usually pretty boring, but we like the bits with the turtle with tape on it so we keep watching. That sounds about right to me, actually.
I think the thing that's keeping me from liking this season much is that the stakes are so aggressively low. Previous seasons have played with the whole idea of life being pretty goddamn mundane by creating this world and these characters where *everything* is jacked up to 11 all the time; half the humor came from…
I'm pretty sure the fairies didn't show up until s3. I still think the first couple of seasons are genuinely pleasurable, although the second two are more guilty-pleasurable.
I feel like I should ignore you, but also, I'm just kind of in a shitty mood, so fuck you. Seriously, fuck you. There's something uniquely horrible about someone who has to think up reasons to pathologize people who think beating your girlfriend is bad behavior. It is actually possible to feel sympathy for Rihanna…
I'm pretty sure if "I'm black and bisexual" were a free ticket to Famousland, there'd be a lot more guys trying it.
Exactly. Because everyone knows that an abuse victim is exactly as repugnant as an abuser in every way. That's why they get on so well together!
Yeah, that's always been the dumbest argument. Because corporations spend billions of dollars to hire celebrities to do things that *won't* influence their fans?
So, Bizarro Avatar?
Was that the one where 13-year-old Leia gets punched in the face?
I don't know if you intended it or not, but that can be scored quite nicely by the Flash Gordon theme song. Kudos.
I've been told by modern historians that Dumbledore was totally gay, but I don't believe it.
Annie Lennox seems like a really cool lady, and I hope this doesn't ruin our chances of getting our nails done together or something, but…nothing she ever did as a solo artist was remotely as cool as The Eurythmics.
Isn't he a judge on one of those dance competition shows — America's Best Dance Crew or some such? I never watched it and don't know if it's even still on, but I really feel like I saw his name associated with it.