If it makes you feel better, in later years he had a soul patch.
If it makes you feel better, in later years he had a soul patch.
I'm going to be "that guy" and suggest that secretly, Justin Timberlake is kind of funny.
Yeah, I thought it was really douchey that several critics, including here, talked about how "tacked on" and out of place the ending felt after a boppy, low-stakes episode. *That was the fking point.* That is how it actually happens, when it happens to you.
Every single second of the Cracked.com video series "After Hours" is the entirety of my twenties, to scale. I laugh, and then I miss my friends from back in the day, and then I drink.
I was really hoping someone would pick the musical episode of Oz. I haven't rewatched it in a while, but I remember it being pretty fucking baffling, although basically competent.
But why should that be?
It might be overstating things to say that I'm a Kraftwerk *fan,* but I like 'em okay.
Come on, Yeah Yeah Yeahs! Do it for ol' Gil!
Yeah, fuck lonely people.
And when it comes up in "The Possimpible," it's something that he already has — he tries to play it off as a former basketball injury. Now what I'm not sure about is if Ted knew about it then, but Lily definitely did. Anyway, I think you could chalk it all up to the vagaries of memory — he's remembering an…
I feel it could face a tough game if it comes up against "You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling" in the brackets. But I'm rooting for it.
Cosign. All the Teds! Hip hip hooray for All the Teds!
I know not everyone was onboard with Stella, but gosh dangit, I just really love Sarah Chalke.
This thread was sort of interesting until we got to the point of "tentacle rape vs. legitimate rape" which — what? Every single thing about that argument was both intellectually and morally horrifying.
There's a bit there when Kurt's just been caught out with his manpillow and he's semi-frenetically justifying his infomercial-fueled bad decisions, where he says something like, "blah, blah, lonely, needy, YES, I have all that!" And it is, I don't know, for some reason the literal funniest thing I have seen in maybe…
Hello, and welcome to the internet. Pleased to meet you.
How I Met Your Mother assures me that all the straight girls do.
Robin's attitude has always been that because only dumb sluts fall for Barney's lines, Barney can't be doing anything wrong. After all, the only victims are dumb sluts, who are dumb, and sluts. This is also more or less the show's attitude.
The proof of that is that whenever someone says, "So Barney is horrible and Robin should maybe marry someone who isn't horrible," those same apologists freak out about his heart of gold and how romantic he was that time, and that other time, when he bought her that thing, and how could he be horrible when he's so…
I once got a pie piece in Trivial Pursuit as a seven-year-old for knowing "arachnid." I knew it because of the Amazing Spider-Man and Friends villain, the Arachnoid.