jenny hegemony

And yet who do we have who is A) a real journalist and B) willing to get on tv and take a stand like Cronkite did on the Vietnam war? All we have are babbling pundits with zero accountability on one hand, and wishy-washy cowards who are afraid that making an informed statement about their alleged area of expertise

My proletariat rage at the wasteful excesses of the Useless Celebrity class is kind of at war right now with the concept of a swanky all-girls club for supermodels. That's pretty fucking hot, honestly.

Nickfo, I disagree with your wedding philosophy (cf Donna), but I really like your music choices. One of my cooler cousins also used "Power of Two" in her quite traditional church wedding, and it actually fit very nicely. Like most of those songs you named, I think it treads a nice middle ground where it feels sort

I really, strongly agree with Donna and the Buck-Toothed Girl. (Band name?) It's not your special day devoted to the wonderfulness of your unique love. You can celebrate yourselves on your own time. Weddings have no inherent purpose except to kick off marriages, and marriages are quite clearly society's business.

Okay, I hit reply too fast, there. I was going to say that I still wouldn't regret it if they'd sent Mel Carnahan's actual corpse to Washington — just propped him up in the seat and let him collect cobwebs.

I did vote for Mel Carnahan's corpse. And I've never regretted it.

The last year or two, they've had the same-sex sets of top four finalists dance a routine together. It usually works quite well — several people have mentioned the Russian number that a couple of the guys did together, and Wade did a routine for two of the girls where they were, I think foxes — literal Fox & the

Bourne, I'm totally with you on that. The whole time they were doing their disco routine, all I could think was, It's nice, but it's nothing like what Brandon and Janette pulled out for disco. But then, Melissa and Ade have always been like that for me — nothing wrong with their dancing, they're obviously very good,

All the crappy jobs of my late teens and early 20s blur together, but I do remember working at a Pizza Hut where the only songs on the jukebox I could tolerate were Live's "All Over You," Marcy Playground's "Sex and Candy," Veruca Salt's "Volcano Girls," and Artificial Joy Club's "Sick and Beautiful." So I spent a

I live in the South, so I'm stupid
Can somebody who knows these things explain to me the meaning of "The only thing Woody Allen has in common with Ingmar Bergman is Sven Nykvist"? It sounds clever. And Joe Queenan is often right about things. So what the hell is being said, and is it actually clever and/or right?

Thanks for saying it, Yeah. I admit I have a low tolerance for Sookie-slagging in general (yeah, because *you'd* be so much better adjusted if you could randomly hear people's horrifying, Southern Gothic thoughts all your life), but this seemed especially mean somehow. Yeah, she's a brat because she doesn't have a

I guess the original Minotaur (which is technically the only one — mythologically, it's a specific dude, not a species) was a threat to the twelve virgins sacrificed to it annually. Maybe if it'd been allowed to roam free it would've been more easygoing, though.

Their scenes were great. I kept yelling at the tv "DON'T EAT HOYT. DO NOT EAT HOYT." And I really had no idea if she would or not! It's nice to have a show where everything isn't telegraphed in advance.

Welcome to AVC. The reviews here usually pop up within the hour after the episode airs, which means they're less in-depth than full-on TWoP recaps, but also that they hit before you've forgotten your initial reaction to watching it. There are a few shows I follow at TWoP, but I generally prefer the brevity and

Thor, the story I always heard was that she pissed off the producers, including Smith, by objecting consistently to how Viv was supposed to be a powerful professional woman, but seemed to be edged constantly toward Angelic Sitcom Mommy territory. She wanted more of a personality and something to actually do on the

I thought it had a lot to do with what seems to be a common Hollywood idea that there's only kind of one movie that is legitimately a COMEDY, and that's, well, Year One. And sure, that type of movie is wildly popular with younger guys, as it aims to be. What I think is sad is that a lot of comedy writers seem to say

Apropos of nothing, you have an awesome user name.

I agree it's hard to believe that Bathhouse Bette was genuinely put off by anything Kathy Griffin could think of to say to her. Maybe she's gotten fussy in her old age, anything's possible, but yeah. I'm more inclined to believe she was playing along with the game.

I thought Cheadle was way underrated in Boogie Nights. I like the movie altogether, but he's far and away my favorite thing in it.

Youtube tells me that Polka Dot Door was also Canadian, and I seem to remember the old You Can't Do That on Television was Canadian, too. Therefore, I am led to ask a troubling question: Was Nickelodeon, in fact, originally a Canadian network? WAS IT ALL CANADIAN ALL THIS TIME??? Even Turkey TV, for Christ's sake?