jenny hegemony

Mike, I think you're right. If you follow a tv show, you're getting to know the characters over the same time space as at least seven or eight movies in the first year (assuming we're talking hour-long dramas, at least). You have an investment in them that movies can't really match, and more of a sense of their

Oh, yeah, Victoria's Secret. Probably the most crying per square inch of television I've ever watched.

I'm with Elitist Trash. Sam was clearly a character in that movie, with an acutal role. Her death wasn't there for shock value; it was an integral part of the plot line about the protagonist's mental collapse, particularly in the choice it forced him to make. If all you got out of it was "they put a doggie in it so

In sitcom land, I have to admit I cried during Lily and Marshall's wedding on How I Met Your Mother. I just love both the actors and their characters' relationship so much.

My particular Buffy sobfest is "I Only Have Eyes for You." I mean, Jesus.

I don't remember if I cried during that movie, but I remember spending the whole prison segment huddled under a blanket, horrified and sick. I have some phobic issues with confinement anyway, and particularly the chair they strapped her in to force-feed her — that was some traumatic shit.

I'll never, ever, ever watch Boys Don't Cry. I'm sure it's an amazing movie. I'm thrilled that it got so much acclaim. I'll never see it.

Well put, but I'd say the take-home message isn't that homophobia is completely acceptable, but that we're still in this transitional phase where we don't feel like we have solid ground in any direction. Outright homophobia now feels subjectively bigoted and off-putting to many people, but at the same time, it feels

Yeah, I hit that wall very occasionally, when an artist seems particularly outspoken/militant about the issue. I mean, lots of people are homophobic, and life's too short to blacklist them all even if I wanted to, which I really don't. So mostly I just go with what most everyone here has said and only stress the

I have this inexplicable love for Matt, even though I recognize he's basically the off-brand knockoff of Timberlake. I don't know, I just like everything he does, which makes me apparently a nation of one.

Yeah, it's an interesting choice of defense, although obviously pretty accurate. The hysteria about gay men generally boils down to a freakout about the concept of being demasculinized — because, to paraphrase Chris Rock on race, no man wants to trade places with any woman on earth. I only bring that up because a

But Samantha isn't especially femmey. She's the kind of dyke that guys say they don't mind dykes as long as they're not like that — if you can follow that sentence construction. So I don't know how offended, if at all, her brother is by whatever lyrics Rhymefest wrote about her then-girlfriend, but if he was

Sounds like a genuinely dumb concept, but it's a genuinely dumb concept from my hometown, so I find myself hoping it succeeds anyway.

Didn't Michael end his color-coding explanation with something like, "Most of them mean stop talking"? Already the exact line has escaped me, but I'm pretty sure it got the biggest laugh of the night from me.

It figures America's greatest treasure wouldn't even want to live here.

Tasha, you've summed up just how I feel about him. I can't like what Moore does on an emotional level, but I grudgingly admit that he's made himself part of the cultural conversation in ways that a thousand thoughtful, high-minded NPR gentlemen and ladies just haven't been able to. This fact doesn't fill me with the

I can't say that I know or care anything about the grime "scene" (gah), but I really like Public Warning. It's just funny and oddball and enjoyable, and it makes me sad that I guess if this review is to be believed, the reason she never caught on is basically that the whims of the cool people put her out of fashion.

Au contraire. Big Gay Batwoman, FTW!

I'm glad I wasn't alone in my failure there. More Star Trek, less comic books, show! I'm better with the Star Trek, and recognizing things I've heard of before validates me!

you're not hardcore unless you live hardcore
Great, now I have that song stuck in my head.