jenny hegemony

I have to say I agree with Donna's feelings about Douchey!Ted. This is a sitcom — it's okay for them to be a bit less than totally awesome at all times. In fact, it's a good thing, because that would be sucky and boring, which Ted used to be. He's more fun to watch now that he's got that mellow undertone of

I think when people dumb down evolutionary psychology into "women want the richest man they can make themselves pretty enough to land," they make one really critical mistake: the lizard brain doesn't know from "rich." It doesn't understand that. It does understand "good at stuff," however, and that's what women get

Seven is probably the only movie that has really inspired child-level dread and horror in me as a grown-ass person. I just couldn't shake it off for weeks, and every now and then bits and pieces of it still keep popping up out of my subconscious for no reason. Brrrr.

I can't be the only one who was scared of the ear-worm in Khan, right? Also, I remember I made my mother take me out of the theater during Flash Gordon, when he has to put his hand in the stump with the hand-eating monster. My mother patiently explained to me in the theater hallway that in movies, the hero never has

I love Genesis. I'd forgotten how much until I had a co-worker who's doing some kind of thesis involving them for his music degree. Every time he talks about a different Genesis song, I suddenly remember that I liked that one, too. I now feel that whoever you are, Genesis was better than you remember them being!

My elementary school scheduled emergency counseling sessions for those kids whose parents let them see The Day After and were now inconsolable. I recall there being quite a few of them. I remember kind of trying to decide how freaked out I should be by nuclear war and asking my mom about it. Mom told me about the

I've discovered that people who loved Willy Wonky generally think of themselves as heroic sorts who would've made it through the tour just fine. Those of us who were freaked the hell out by it tend to assume that we would've fucked up somehow and been blown to pieces. It's a nice little Rorschach test on your kid's

I went to see Pet Semetary in high school with my dad, and *he* made us leave. Turns out, while Dad loves all manner of zombies, aliens, and things from wherever, he is not okay with movies where someone's little kid gets run over by a semi in the first five minutes.

anthony edwards rocks
Part of me still thinks he died in a Naval training accident.

If you talk to her first, she will not pick you to be her mate.

I wouldn't call Incredibles any kind of screed, but I was interested and sort of skeeved by some of it, and I think the main reason — if I can put my finger on it, which I'm not sure I can — is that I didn't see the altruism that some of the other commentators did. The crisis seemed to be that not letting Mr.

I have a co-worker with aspirations to write a screenplay for "the gay Fast & the Furious." He didn't seem to understand what I meant when I suggested that The Fast & the Furious was the gay The Fast & the Furious. I'm glad you do, El.

Can someone verify whether or not she reappears after the first scene?

I thought the actual South Park parts were hilarious, but I could've really lived without the Terrence & Phillip. As per usual. Actually, I could rest content never seeing them again at this point. They're the only part of South Park I haven't come to appreciate even more over the years.

Netflices, yeah? Sorry, my Latin's atrocious, but I think it'd have to be Netflices.

Nah, I see how you'd get that impression. I think Lada Gaga is awesome, but I don't think she was ever really meant to be a live performer. The can't all be the B-52s.

say goodnight, gracie
Megan was way out of her league, and it was certainly time for her to go home. However, I admit that I'll kinda miss seeing her next week. I found her odd voice and cool arrangements likeable. If only she'd been able to stay on key for more than three bars at a time, I coulda been a fan.

KillsOwls, my gf calls that "replacement shame." I feel it a lot.

Hard Core Logo is probably my favorite movie of all fucking time. KitH semi-super-fan that I am, I have to say that Hard Core Logo is both bleaker and funnier than Brain Candy.

The scene in Heathers when she wears the tight black dress into the shower was highly formative for me. So, yes, if that burned-eternally-into-my-brain memory serves me right, Winona Ryder was always a tad chesty.