jenny hegemony

Yeah, but the thing about Martin is that no matter how long the series goes on, *new things keep happening.* There's a constant, comforting flow of death, mutilation, betrayal, insanity, and chaos. Other, lesser series blow the same number of pages in hauling their asses 500 miles to the temple that Martin does in

If no one gives you attention for it, Troll, are you just going to try again every ten minutes?

Just reading the first Wheel of Time book felt like it cost me ten years of my life. I mean, it was probably two weeks, but it seemed like a lot more.

That's my next stop! I did the American Indian museum when I was in DC for the inauguration, and it struck that magical sweet spot between really enriching and really fucking depressing, which made me decide that maybe I could handle the Holocaust, too.

pedophila optional?
Maybe you have to be old enough to remember what a media circus it was when Madonna (OMG! We've seen her naked!) had a baby. Because to me this piece might be kind of irrelevant, but not any more so than celebrity journalism in general. My reaction really was, "Oh, shit, that was almost thirteen

Weird, because I would've said that while season 1 is occasionally good and season 2 is excellent, 3 and 4 are a giant trainwreck of random WTFery that are kind of agonizing to watch. But 5 is pretty good, too, so I'm glad I stuck with the show during what felt like decades of ridiculous crap in the middle there.

Zonker, thanks for the link. Interesting etymology, and interesting link from there to the international women's group that shares the name. People get all het up about giving kids "weird" names, but I still think it's cool when people name their children something that has meaning to them, rather than just "I

road trip!
Yay, now when I visit my friend in DC and she asks what I want to do, I'll be able to think of something besides the dumb Smithsonian!

What a strange, intense day for Alexis Denisof, to lose a friend and become a father all at once. Wild.

I realize 20/20 Troll is a troll, but I thought this was a really interesting comment anyway. Do other people feel like a girl has to be really unusual or rare in some way to count as hot? Because I see probably at least 25 to 30 women a day that I think are beautiful (I work with the public; I see a lot of people;

So very untrue.

favorite part?
The chair flying at Marshall from off-screen. I don't know if it was just the fact that he'd driven Lily to that level of rage, or the squeaky noise he made when he dodged. All this and more, I suppose.

marry me, penny
I avoided this show for a long time, in spite of my passionate love of geek comedy, because I thought the premise was sort of noxious and annoying, reinforcing the idea that geek=male and the only really interesting sexual or emotional plotline they could have involves desperately questing after the

i don't know if that means what you think it means
"Sweet natured?" For serious? Because that's not exactly the description that springs to mind after reading the rest of the review.

the voice of the imperfect man?
I kinda wish I didn't know that about the spoken intro. Oh, Willie, say it ain't so.

That phrase was a particular awl in my eyeball, too. Oh, well, if it's *value-added.* We'd hate to buy a product prematurely, before they had time to add all that value in there.

Thanks, Professor — you're so right about the way the men-on-the-street are "imprinting" the Dollhouse with themselves. I didn't mind the interviews to start with, but actually now that you've framed it that way, I really like them.

I was a little dubious about the conceit, too, but I think it came off all right. I liked the "out of your fucking mind" woman, and the boyfriend who was happily oblivious to his girlfriend next to him giving him the "out of your fucking mind" look.

It was no "Three Men and Adena," but I'll take it.

Hey, you were right about your self-esteem, weren't you?