
I want a Dick anthology, a Dickthology. His short stories are gagging for it.

Absolutely. Underrated little movie that.

Cumbers would never use an expression as working class as "chuffed". My god, the scandal. It would make his great aunt come over all a flutter.

Trick 'r Treat is great.

I read that as David Carradine…

Man I dig that movie, and to 17 year old me Hardware was the bomb.

This is going to be the best thing ever.

I concur with the late Mr Wilson.

I had no gig on Friday so played some GTA V, watched just this side of tolerable TV with UK scheduled SHIELD and Walking Dead, and the only sporadically amusing Man Down.

Al Leong for the non speaking henchman ancillary line

I demand Idris Elba be cast in whatever it is we're talking about.

Man Film Manifesto

Check out Vern's site.

My biggest issue with The Last Stand was the squandered opportunity of a big budget western debut for Kim Jee-Woon.

In terms of what were close but now dead I'll go for Black Dynamite II (was to be a western but I'm guessing Django Unchained killed that) and Bubba Nosferatu.

I like the original theatrical cut of Blade Runner more than the Directors Cut, and The Other Cut, and the I'm Still Cutting This Cut. Yeah come on internet. I'll fight you all…

I've never seen this show. Are they all wearing Battle Royale exploding collars under those kneckerchiefs? If so I'm in.

In my mind it's what YA is/should be; without actually having knowingly read any.

So finally got round to reading Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land. Not what I was expecting at all, I was expecting some 60's space opera cheese. Real pleasant surprise, you'd have thought I'd have got to the stage in life where I've learnt to never judge a book by it's garish sci-fi clichéd cover.

I enjoyed Wasp Factory a lot when I read it is a teenager in the late 80s. But now it feels like a really good writers first steps, complete with deliberately controversial headline baiting.