

Cut the gas daddy-o, don't get frosted. Annie Hughes is a single parent waiting tables to make bread for her ankle biter. Give the girl a break, renting out a room to a longhair G Man ain't the biggest goof, at least she ain't going the mattress route.

Kent Mansley. What a shitcunt he was.

Surely that would be the fourth riech?

Was never wild about Hang 'Em High, remember the score making me laugh in several spots.
In terms of under appreciated Clint, I'm all about The Beguiled.

Arya = Master
Hound = Blaster

Holy shit. Managed to get to this episode unspoiled other than having heard "Red Wedding" whispered over the last three years, this season I'd convinced myself it was going to be Joffrey's do that would end in tears. Didn't recognise Rains of Castemere initially until Catelyns face sold it, must have been the shit

Welcome to Hazzard County. You probably noticed there's something
different here. Well, this is Hazzard County, they do things different
here… like kissing cousins.

You don't fight "wolves with wolves" you fight wolves with miniature bottles of booze.

Glad to see a modicum of love for the new Miike, I've only read it getting completely shoed in reviews until now. 
Really looking forward to Blind Detective. Still to catch Life Without Principle and Drug War as neither have had distribution here yet so hope this one surfaces, last one to surface was the charming

With my eyes and ears this weekend.

I think it has a real vibe all of its own, that low-fi, heart on its sleeve approach transcends its components. And the music is wonderful.

I used to love The Tomorrow People as a kid.

I think you've nailed the two I'd go for with Audition and Something Wild; the huge shift in tone is just breathtaking for the uninitiated, they're more what I think of as a "Bait & Switch" rather than a twist.


Hah. That's not James Spader. Who are NBC trying to kid?

I'd imagine Condorman is utter bobbins to be honest but I loved it as a kid.

Really liked Take Shelter, I've yet to see Shotgun Stories but this Love Film review makes me wanna…

Like all the 70's kids it's Star Wars and Jaws on re-release, Raiders and Time Bandits.

Mom? Dad?