
Awful people.

Can I be the first to apologise (on this thread at least) for Outcasts, that was a right load of old bollocks.

Even Ikea Knightly was good in that.
They be dropping acting bombs all over the shop.

I think the list thing is misdirection. Now this is complete speculation with no foundation but given on how the story has delighted in subverting expectations when it comes to characters, I'm thinking Arya has some regicide in her future.
Three eye colours, three houses, three kings. Green Joffery, Brown Stannis and

I was a bit underwhelmed by it to be honest but I went in with really high expectations. Loved the performances and some of the writing but it's pretty episodic and the characters they encounter are pretty broadly drawn sit-com level stereotypes. Not sure it will go down well with the shed-towing community.

It's terrific. Unsettling, ominous, whilst still managing to be funny; unsurprisingly it has some of the best sound design in recent memory and Toby Jones is perfect in the role.
It's also positively pornographic if you've a thing for analogue studio equipment.

As a Brit with teachers for parents I was raised on a diet of Dahl but the one full on childrens book that I've had the longest relationship with is Ted Hughes' The Iron Man, that was a genuine favourite of mine as a proper little kid and obviously many years later The Iron Giant brought all those memories flooding

Yo-landi Vi$$er and Ninja being in the cast too makes this the most Saffer packed thing since Lethal Weapon 2

I thought it was a real good time personally. It's not quite Avengers level good but I enjoyed it more than pretty much any other Marvel film.
I think it'll work better for you if you're a Shane Black fan rather than if you're a precious comic book type that cries about organic webshooters or the colour of someone's

Nobody disses The Last Boy Scout on my watch.

So I watched Thale on Saturday, pretty slight and underwhelming really. Starts off intriguing but then just fizzles out an hour and fifteen muddled minutes later

"Blondie! You son of a bi… (Ayyya Ayya Ayya)"

"I love you…"  Absolutely lays waste to me every time. 

Cruise was bad enough, add Guy Ritchie into the mix and this whole endeavour is just a massive vortex of CGI suck, creativity by corporation and sprinkled with splosions.

Charisma, charm, comic timing, could effortlessly crush your head.

Maps To The Stars? Bruce Wagner?

Aye, late 80's. Thankfully by the early 90's we'd left the student discos behind for partying in much classier environments, like abandoned airfields and railway tunnels.

Back in the day I hated The Cure.
Especially for populating indie disco's with big haired, tight black jeans, woolly jumpers and white hi top clad nob heads. Them and the fucking Morrissey impersonators in their NHS specs.
However, away from the patchouli stank of student nights, got to say some of their tunes are

I'd change the word "adventurous" for "patient".

Is this a theatrical release? Weirdly it's out on DVD on Monday in the UK.