

Tie that in with the nod to A Company of Wolves for the muzzle through the mouth bit and I reckon you're right.

I want to shower you in sugar lumps.

Waris is kidding himself. Susan so wanted to space snog Grandad WhoBO.

@avclub-d72f705337e5adcf7e33ec0381c5f5b2:disqus No she didn't. She claimed it was her favourite show, of course she would, she was a clever (possibly evil) woman.

First tune, well second, that springs to mind with Meco Star Wars is another Williams theme disco'd up by the far classier Lalo Schifrin http://www.youtube.com/watc…
Oh and fugg MTV for robbing us of Legs & Co and Pam's People.

I really liked Open Range, excellent film. Something really old school yet modern about it. Much better film the Dances With Wolves too.

In the UK wife-beater can be Stella Artois, a vest or Chris Brown.

Cancer really is shit isn't it.

Wow B+ seems incredibly generous to me, I found it a hugely underwhelming show. I'm glad they had the sense to not really try to adapt the books. Kind of gently entertaining I guess, and personally was amused by the pretence of Bristol standing in for London.

Now I'm not sure how American TV works and all that but I think Walking Dead is a prime example of how weird this all seems to non Americans. Well me anyway.

I'm a fan of the words "high" "stunted" "vindictive" and "fail". I'll give it a go.

I guess because his solo albums are better than 50% of the Roses albums. Monkey Business, Spheres and Golden Greats are all really solid records.

So this is one of those shows we just don't get in the UK. Is it worth my time doing some digging or are we going to remain unamused?
This is clearly with the proviso that comedy is universal and not subjective in the least and if you don't find the same things funny as me you're wrong.

I've been to Aberwristwatch and I wish it was fictional.

Long weekend so good opportunity to go check out some music and misbehave