
Without doubt Jesus Jones were probably the worst live act I've ever seen when going to a gig with any expectation.

Neds were the lowest tier of the Black Country inverted musical triangle of my youth, with The Wonder Stuff and PWEI, but still a lot of fun live. Was obligatory locally to be a fan. Til You Find Out and Kill Your Television were the biggest jams in the day. We rinsed God Fodder for covers for the band I was in at

Well never mind, cheerio! Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you very, very, very much… Awful people. 

Pretty much anything written by Spike is worth your time reading. "Milligan's Meaning of Life: An Autobiography of Sorts" is a good starting point.
And I've a fair bit of love for "Tragically I was an Only Twin: The Complete Peter Cook"

Good lord! Jolly good. Four foot one? Well that is a long time, isn't it?

Its on FX, but the show will never get into the mainstream from there. He's had an awful lot of good press so far this year though. He's cult viewing but that cult is getting bigger and noisier.

Already mentioned below is the Hamster Factor which in turn led to the making of Lost in La Mancha.

I can absolutely see Spartacus recut as a pop video for any track off Welcome to the Pleasuredome. I can't actually remember a single tune from Liverpool, even looking at the track listing doesn't help.

I made the call to not pursue the O2 tickets as the whole comedy in an aircraft hanger didn't appeal, I was lucky enough to snag tickets for the Thursday gig at Hammersmith though.

That defeat didn't happen in England. The ridiculous time difference has made it all too easy to ignore the entire series.

So including Thursday because technically that's when my weekend started.

I've a lot of love for Halloween III, it's different and a little subversive.
Creeped the living shit out of me as a kid when I first caught it on TV.

Commando is AWESOME, even the magically repairing Porsche makes it a better film. Viva Val Verde!
Easily my favourite Arnie film that contains no cyborgs, aliens, mutants or lamentation of the women.

It's been over for nearly 20 years.

Shit. There's pictures of me as an 8 year old dressed as a Native American out there somewhere and I'm fairly sure you've got me bang to rights on the old "mimic, trivialize, or stereotype" charges.

TV dream sequences and no mention of Bouncer's dream from Neighbours? For shame.

How many people does it take to screw in a light bulb? One, me, 'cause I'm the only one that does anything around here anyway.

I can't imagine Danny DeVito as Harold Shand.

Before the competing exploding holes in the ground films of 98 there was the competing parachute film race we were all glued to in 94 between Sheen's Terminal Velocity and Snipes' Drop Zone.