
Truth. Dance Music so intelligent you'd struggle to dance to it. Unless chewing your own eye brows off, shambling round like you're in a Romero film or skinning up counts as dancing.

I've done a damn good job of damaging my hearing over the last 25 years or so but I'm sure even I can tell the difference between 320 and lower bit rates if you're playing on any sizeable system. Through a loud club system out and out bad or low bit rate rips sound alarming.
I like FLAC or WAV if I've any intent of

I love vinyl but it's just no longer practical for me. Expense and size just means a laptop and soundcard are much more feasible for gigs.

I was in a weird place with The Prestige as I'd read the book before I saw
the film, so as a first time viewer you're already watching for the bread crumbs being laid out from the beginning, and I was happy that he'd earned the ending. It's been years since I've seen the film and I may well throw it on this evening.

Not seen any love for Un Lun Dun yet. That was my first and I was hooked after that, I think tolerance for puns and word play will be a big factor, lent it to a friend and he hated it for all the reasons I loved it.  
City and The City, Embassytown and Kraken are well worth checking out and decent starting places;

Piranha is Joe Dante. Piranha 2: Flying Killers was Cameron.

"Alligator, an above-average Jaws knockoff"

I'm half with you.
The instrumental stuff was fine but the way that College tune is used is so on the nose it just makes me recoil. Thankfully Valhalla Rising is free from 80's synthstalgia.

Thank you. Thank you very much. Uh, I wonder if you would like to see some of our… Other items. We have Zuzu and Benny! Fun on a unicycle… No? Uh, how about, uh, The Great Rambozo! He sing and lift heavy things… No? Uh, how about, uh… Ah, this I think you'll like. Very funny. The Three Idiots! From Latvia. Very funny

“Women don't go to war to kill other women.”

Said Hamlet to Ophelia,
I'll draw a sketch of thee,
What kind of pencil shall I use?
2B or not 2B?

Doctor Who has the perfect mechanism built in to prevent stagnation. Every couple of years reboot your sidekicks and then as big event you get to recast your lead with the added bonus of being able to change his character too. Over the years it's been able to survive terrible writing, casting and budgets due to it's

I liked her as the Kurgan in Highlander.

No Burt driving Nascar. No deal.

Way to run away Morrissey, that'll learn them.

Mad Dog & Glory is a terrific movie, well it was the last time I saw it many many years ago.

Morris and Booker instantly gets me interested but I just couldn't get on with Nathan Barley. It seemed weirdly dated, ridiculing the Hoxton twat set seemed like old news. Although I do like using "Totally Mexico" and "Well weapon".


Watched it, laughed, can't really remember a thing about it now.
Guess that makes it disposable but fun.

And that's a piss poor cover of Tony Tribe covering Neil Diamond.