
It is most gratifying that your enthusiasm for our planet continues
unabated. And so, we would like to assure you that the guided missiles
currently converging with your ship are part of a special service we
extend to all of our most enthusiastic clients, and the fully-armed
nuclear warheads are of course merely a

It is most gratifying that your enthusiasm for our planet continues
unabated. And so, we would like to assure you that the guided missiles
currently converging with your ship are part of a special service we
extend to all of our most enthusiastic clients, and the fully-armed
nuclear warheads are of course merely a

Rushmore lives in that nebulous cloud of my favourite things ever.

Rushmore lives in that nebulous cloud of my favourite things ever.

Really surprised you went for Howls Moving Castle over Mononoke Hime, Spirited Away or Porco Rosso.

I cussing can't wait for this. 

Oh shit. Donna Summer.

Well that about wraps it up for the human race.
Thanks for participating.

Only way for me to watch pretty much any HBO in the UK is to pay for Murdoch's Sky.
I can be sort patient, just finished Homeland on Channel 4 and I'm still halfway through the most recent season of Justified on 5USA.
The upside is the GOT blu box set came out day one at the entirely reasonable £30 so I freed up some

Mmmm… maybe not then.


I'm pretty new to Mieville.
I'm just finishing up City & City and I'd recommend that or Un Lun Dun, which was my first of his, as good starting points.
If I'd read Perdido Street Station first I'm not sure I'd have been steadily working my way through his work like I'm currently doing.
I think he has the issue of his

Your definition of electronica is well different to mine. For someone in the UK of a certain age, this reads as a really weird article.

I need to know…

There's no fixed release date for the US or UK yet. Cannes premier and I'd imagine we'll get dates after that.

I gave away my original pressing Paul's Boutique to a friend after I picked up the CD in the very early 90s.

Prometheus and Moonrise Kingdom are the two for me in May and June from this lot and we get The Raid next week too.

Dagmer throws Bran's braces over Winterfell keep.

But that's against a population of say just shy of 7 Billion as opposed to it making $142million in the US with your measly 300 million population.

Greystroke - Porn for the elderly.