
I'm really feeling this album at the moment.
Disparate Youth is huge, digging Fame too.

UK schedule of Homeland and caught up with Community and Fringe.

Cathy Gale, Tara King…

Shane Black raised my interest about 100%


Terrible body odour issues apparently.

You could be right. If I'd even had the remotest inkling that Whendonites were so conflict adverse I'd have gone for a more coquettish turn of phrase.

If I can't be confrontational from behind the safety of a keyboard then when the hell can I?
Besides, I figured it might flush out a compelling reason to give one of them a go.

The annoying thing about the "Marley fanbase" (other than the Trustafarian image) is that the Island releases should be a gateway to a whole world of brilliant JA music, but they stagnate on the image and all the Chris Blackwell smoothed for the mainstream material post Catch a Fire.
Especially frustrating as the real

I've never seen an episode of Buffy, Angel, Dollhouse or Firefly.

Imax is old hat. 3D is a fad.

Is Easter a real thing now, like Fathers Day?

It all sounds horrible, and Actorbot 9000's quotes don't help, but I still have this little voice telling me Jose Padhilla could actual make a kick ass Robocop movie. Bus 174, Elite Squad and it's sequel all have the righteous anger, the politics and the well choreographed violence that could make this work.

Paranoia was completely our game of choice back in the late 80's. We'd kind of dabbled with AD&D and Call of Cthulhu, found it all a bit po-faced; experimented with the then underground Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Strangeness but once we discovered Paranoia that's pretty much all we played. Lots of fun if you

So did Liam Neeson really glass punch that Wolf or not?

If we could punch all the animals, just imagine it
Kung fuing a chimp in his chimpanknee
Imagine twatting a tiger, choking a cheetah
What a neat achievement that would be.

Too much ballast… Ribbit

That's good to hear as they pretty much gave up on Fallout; I'll bite the bullet when I've a spare couple of hundred hours…

So this and Skyrim were my two most anticipated game of the last twelve months.
Yet I've not bought either of them as they apparently have game breaking performance issues on the PS3. I'm not ponying up £40 for a coaster.
How ME3 has supposed frame rate issues when it's essentially the same engine as ME2 is just