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    Not true any more - depends on the channel. I watched Raiders of the Lost Ark on 7 recently and, I kid you not, they cut the climax so it went from the Ark opening to some flames then Indy and Marion's ropes breaking. They cut arguably the film's most iconic scene (and surely anyone watching knew it was coming?). No

    In Australia we abolished one cent and two cent coins somewhere in the late 80s, I think. It's no big deal. Then again about the same time we brought in two dollar coins, so sometimes you empty a pocket to find $20 in loose change.

    So, has no one noticed that Bleach was their FIRST album?

    You know what I never understood about that line? I never understood why McClane didn't say: "You don't look Greek, either."

    But wasn't Rabin own description of the film, in itself, pretentious? Or was that, indeed, the irony? I don't even know any more.

    The Day Today indeed - first appearance (as far as I know) of Steve Coogan's Alan Partridge. Gooooooooooooooooaaaaal!

    I tried to keep the experience "pure" and not cheat either. Except, eventually, on the fantasy gamebooks, where I basically used to just skip the combat ("I win again!")

    Sorcery! was quite hardcore I recall - a bit more complex than the standard FF series. I remember the fourth book was about 600 pages or something, so I never made it through that (see also the massive "Blood Sword" books)

    I liked Appointment with F.E.A.R because you chose your power at the start, and your choice influenced the rest of the story. Don't recall feature in any of the other books, but I think there was a F.E.A.R sequel towards the end of the series.

    If there was a 1995 version, I'd hope the Waterworld quote would have been: "You know, I thought you were stupid, friend. But I underestimated you. You are a total freaking retard!"

    If there was a 1995 version, I'd hope the Waterworld quote would have been: "You know, I thought you were stupid, friend. But I underestimated you. You are a total freaking retard!"

    An elderly colleague (now retired) of mine once remarked, upon seeing a photo of Anne Hathaway, that she could "Hath-Her-Way with me anytime!". I shuddered.

    An elderly colleague (now retired) of mine once remarked, upon seeing a photo of Anne Hathaway, that she could "Hath-Her-Way with me anytime!". I shuddered.

    You know, I would have actually enjoyed Bea Arthur playing this character in the original trilogy, perhaps as another of Han's old buddies. Without the singing, of course.

    You know, I would have actually enjoyed Bea Arthur playing this character in the original trilogy, perhaps as another of Han's old buddies. Without the singing, of course.

    Didn't Andrea refer to herself being "left behind" or "abandoned" by her old group (which was kind of true) when talking to Merle? Maybe Michonne thinks telling her will make her even more likely to side with the Gov.

    Didn't Andrea refer to herself being "left behind" or "abandoned" by her old group (which was kind of true) when talking to Merle? Maybe Michonne thinks telling her will make her even more likely to side with the Gov.

    Agree, mainly due to Williams Sadler's turn as the Grim Reaper. It was many years after I first saw the film that I discovered the whole game-playing scene was a parody of The Seventh Seal.

    Agree, mainly due to Williams Sadler's turn as the Grim Reaper. It was many years after I first saw the film that I discovered the whole game-playing scene was a parody of The Seventh Seal.