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    It's like a Tool video, but happy.

    It's like a Tool video, but happy.

    Stallone's Dredd felt a lot like a retread of Demolition Man. Personally, I'm a big fan of the tone of DM and it's more in keeping in the tone of Dredd in the comics than the movie was. Many of the comics are highly satirical ("Ugly clinics", weirdies etc), sadly lacking from Stallone's Dredd and this one too it seems.

    Stallone's Dredd felt a lot like a retread of Demolition Man. Personally, I'm a big fan of the tone of DM and it's more in keeping in the tone of Dredd in the comics than the movie was. Many of the comics are highly satirical ("Ugly clinics", weirdies etc), sadly lacking from Stallone's Dredd and this one too it seems.

    It just like how horses don't look like horses on film - you've gotta use dogs.

    It just like how horses don't look like horses on film - you've gotta use dogs.