
I don't know how fair the comparison is, but I find To be or nor to be vastly superior to The great dictator. First, Lubistch's film remains funny over 70 years later, but also because it lacks the self importance that so heavily taxes Chaplin's, without losing any of the gravity when it is called for (the Macbeth

I pretty much agree with the content of the review, but giving this masterpiece something less than an 'A' is just unexplainable.

It'a little known fact that it is actually an original song by my neighborhood's bar band.

He actually finished writing a song she didn't know what to do with.

The AV Club
extremely concernd with integrity

Did he use to eat Mexican babies with Donald Rumsfeld? Then, yes.

Douche means exactly the same thing in French, as it does in English.

Weird, I got one telling me to click if I want to learn how Jesus proved he was God.

No, no. It's Animal collective, not autonomous.

Or with JP 2.0, the failed millennial-targeting rehash.

But, @avclub-c26473f2f4772a2a52e4690515ce6e75:disqus , Pitchfork's demographic pretty much has its mind made on Tool… it sucks effing dick. They don't want to read a reasoned, persuasive review. If anything, they want to have the album eviscerated in the most amusing possible way. And I guess DiCrecenzo did just that.

Add an Oscar and a Super Model girlfriend to that.

I was also underwhelmed by "20 jazz funk greats", but "The third report" made me an absolute fan.

Yup, the last one I recall was their "Quarantine the past" review, in 2009. I think it was handwritten and in the form of a high school diary entry.

Good point, a live compilation of their early stuff is a great starting point. I got into them through a mixtape, which was actually 50% Kollaps 50% Strategies. You're very right, @avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus .

What I liked the most about the album is how poppy it gets to sound (at times). That felt like Trent Reznor trying to troll his more meatheaded fans, while still having fun and pandering to the kids who grew up on indie bands reviving eighties synths, yet who are too young to remember how embarrasing NIN actually was.

The problem with Neubauten is that their output is way too prolific (and layered), to recommend to newbies. Now, a live EN show might be the best introduction out there.

Sounds right. Then, Coil might be the next step into the harsher stuff (Monte Cazzaza, Whitehouse, etc).

It's a nice enough list of songs, man. I liked being reminded of "Vox humana", at the very least. Though I must agree that they said all they had to say for the inventory in the JAMC paragraph.

That's unfair to those of us who got into the Misfits (and adolescence) around that time. Though it must be said I like "Dig up her bones" even less than my voice breaking unexpectedly, or effing pimples.