
Creepy elation, that's how we roll.

I vaguely remember catching some of their videos on TV around that time, but I was way too young to get into them. I became a fan about 12 years ago, listening to their early 70s stuff. I wouldn't call myself a Deadhead at all, but I enjoy their music a lot. And was obviously unaware of their popularity peak around

I liked that one a lot, but perhaps my being such a Nilsson fan has biased my opinion.

The Dead seem to have some very cool fans (both Can and AnCo kinda sampled/covered them, over 30 years appart), but they never manage to become popular outside some boomer circles or the jam-band-loving crew.

Ah, the old "Hawaiian Pizza Axiom".

"Five fingers of rape" was a quite good kung-fu themed, porn parody.

We are Devo

I just wanted to see Bradford Cox in the trailer, but I ended up kinda interested on the movie. I guess I'll catch it on a plane sometime next year.

That's an amazing video, man. I gotta watch that documentary already.

Don't get me wrong, I love Sacred Bones' output. Pharmakon is awesome! But they seem to sign bands with a high likelihood of recording great debut albums and very shitty sophomore efforts.

It's been long enough for Comets on Fire to qualify as influence on up-coming indie rock bands, though I have a feeling most Sacred Bones Records' bands are getting more and more repetitive. And they have an impressive "diminishing returns to scale" ratio; that is, their bands' second albums usually suck (i.e. The

PCP no ICP, man!

If they truly wanted it to go "American style", they should've hired Mexicans.

Thanks a lot for the link, man

That actually is James Franco, @avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus

And Murray Lerner, and Julien Temple, and…

Wattstax is one of the most underated concert films of all time. It's epochal for several reasons and finds the best African American artist of the day at their peaks. Isaac Hayes entrance alone is pure, raw, epic swagger. I bet that's what it looked liked when Moses came down the mountain after talking with God.

That movie is so full of badasses: Ronnie Hawkins, Doctor John, Bob Dylan in he height of his pimp-outfit phase, a coked-out-of-his-mind Neil Young, the list goes on.

"Don't talk to me like I'm effing Apollonia"

Wasn't that a Woody Guthrie biopic? Man, was I stoned.