
It wouldn't even qualify as a music video by today standards, but I believe Jonas Mekas shot some of the earliest V.U. footage out there.

You did indeed, you cute little thing.High five!

That's still a thing. My brother did a MFA in documentary filmmaking in 2011, and ripping-off Berliner and McElwee was very, very popular among his cohorts. They had stopped doing it with Marker because it was comparatively more demanding, but I bet that after his demise (and Jonas Mekas' 90th anniversary last year),

I was hoping for Videodrome too, but… Suicidal Tendencies and Chris Marker can't be beat, That's why I love The AV Club.

Thanks for the technical clarification, @avclub-ee07c6fb926a29e3a77a8212f6d03c01:disqus . It was very useful, considering English is not my first language, I don't have any technical expertise in movies, and was more or less making a humorous remark on the lenght of those rails.

Not to forget the go-to tracking-shot example until the end of time: Touch of evil's opening sequence.

Yeah, you've got I point. I was thinking about Le mepris' opening shot. It's a pretty obvious homage to the dolly shot.

It was done much before by Godard in "Le Mepris", sorry Paul.

That's the lamest excuse for premature ejaculation I've ever heard.

@Dikachu:disqus , es caca de burro.

He was just assembled in Mexico, as all robots on TV are. That's a well known fact.

Tomas Hankso, the non-union… you know the rest of the joke.

And in case you need to know, shit is "mierda".

@avclub-aa974cd726fdb4d87fe3736379fe353e:disqus @avclub-241b2421faecd6ca0aaa67cb80e8a634:disqus I've just listened to "Hard" and it ain't as bad as you had me thinking. However, it pales in comparison to their first releases, since it's post-punk by-the-numbers and any band from 1980 to 1984 could've recorded it,

Thank God Werner Herzog is always at hand, to save famous people from this kind of accidents.

I don't know how pop/punk you'd rate these bands, but the first that came to mind are: The Rezillos, The Vibrators, The Jam, UK Subs, Stiff Little Fingers, The Saints, some Radio Birdman (and considering older stuff, def check The New York Dolls).

I haven't heard that one in a long time. I love "Entertainment!" and "Solid gold". I guess it's time to give it a new listen.

That's a cool story. Kids music gets overlooked a lot, but people like Raymond Scott, Andy Partridge and obviously Randy Newman, have done amazing work that would fall into that category. Besides, Sigue Sigue Sputnik's music was pretty much the soundtrack for a robots/mutants cartoon.

Now this is my idea of an unimpeachable list (except the Hanoi Rocks thing, sure)
