
She never was a groundbreaking musician. She was innovative as a multimedia concept, if at all.

Schaal does that to you. She made me wanna start dating in the community again, after a solid decade of shiksas.

A idade da minina

A "back injury", more like it.

Yes, yes. There's a clear artistic intent behind my uglyness too, I promise.

Un homme dans une gare isolée
Une valise a ses cotés
Des yeux fixes et froids
Montre de la peur lorsqu'il
Se tourne pour se cacher

I think they actually haven't stopped doing it. IIRC, she left because she got married to one of the show's writers (and pregnant?).

And they would finally honor the homoerotic subtext Gore Vidal wrote into the screenplay.

Where does that leave Sigue Sigue Sputnik, then?

I miss her a lot in The Daily Show.

White Lion makes Snoop Lion sound like White Zombie.

Was "Flesh for fantasies" this song's sadistic mirror image?

Quite snobby for a song that used to run in a loop at the gym I used to go to.

Naturally, as seen in "Kingdom of Heaven" (or Age of Empires: Age of Kings). Right, @avclub-5a1c0dcc8243c086c74ee944052f6f0f:disqus ?

Nay, it was the year of the Battle of Mons Graupius.

Spidermans, not Spidermen?

His indie cred has gone sour long ago. I'd be surprised if even a handful of nostalgic grunge fans still worship him now.

You won't believe me, but it does.

Or the fact that she does not look sexy at all when she's dressed-up.

A penis-insula, you mean?