
Nice story. He was a bit nervous again last night, he missed his cue and/or fumbled his lines a couple of times. But who cares, he's a giddy, charming guy. What's not to like.

He looked genuinely surprised when Rob Riggle showed up.

Do you remember Born to runner-up from the Simpsons? Mike Love and Gregg Ginn should start their own version, The Douche Boys of something like that.

Uncle Jesse, period.


@GhaleonQ:disqus , I don't know about your Buzzfeed internship, but you've won my heart. Ay-yi-yi!

Ok, this looks like a job for Sunday school alumni. Zordon was obviously God, and now we know Moses was the Red Ranger. It's up to you to connect the other rangers (and Alpha) to Bible characters…

They definetely nailed the "standing atop random stuff to gravelly ponder" part.

Nay, special effects haven't caught up with half the things in that book.

I can get you some pills to fix that

Batman cannot be more effeminate than Robin, hence… who to cast as Mr. Bloom's Boy Wonder?

Wasn't this movie already made in the late 1990s?

Please, don't. If you are a 1999 kid, you ain't of age yet and that may get Prince in trouble.

That Tom Clancy's photo reminds me of an uncle of mine, who compensated his never making into the military, by watching pre-UFOs History Channel specials and keeping a disturbing amount of military apparel (which he often wore).

It actually is a Ding Chaves memoir, but he was forced to go with a nom de plume for national security reasons.

But… how could a non-descript vaguely-exotic terrorist top the allure of a non-descript all-american caricature commando?

That game was awesome, it's still one of my favorite tactical FPS. Though my introduction to Clancy came through the TV, thanks to "OP center".

And what about Uncle Tom Clancy's Cabin? That's one damn fine book.

Imputing feelings, desires and intentions to artists, through their work, is a dangerous game for critics to play, man.

Trolling or not, upon listening to the album, you'll realize it's got way too much melody to be a chillwave also-ran. If anything, it falls close to Grizzly Bear's best moments. But you may find that boring as well.