
That's what my girlfriend says after we are done having sex.

And that would certainly make for a more amusing time than the goddamn film itself, @avclub-501c54d131c3b93043a744af0c259c58:disqus

I heard that book was good, I think it's finally time to pick it up. As well as Steven Bach's "Final Cut", right?

Thanks a

Absolutely. In fact, any movie pitch including the words "remake" and/or "Johnny Depp" should be avoided.

Having no experience whatsoever in the film industry, I wonder at one point it becomes evident that a movie will suck.

You're right that it doesn't seem to make any sense from either angle, @avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus . And if Occam's razor need apply, it must have been a genuine cancellation.

You sure? At this point, in the year of the "Event Albums", and when RAM is at least due some tiny bit of backlash… no publicity is, how did that go?

Guess where they pay better.

Not since 2010. They've moved on and are currently doing some soul searching, looking for a new totem band after AnCo let them down with "Centipede Hz".

Oh boy, I remember having this conversation some 9 years ago, when I played one of her songs in a radio show I used to have.

It makes a lot of sense, man. The problem is you started with "Let England Shake", it may or may not be her best album (it is for me), but it's the one that ultimately embodies her style. It's so uniquely PJ Harvey's that you wouldn't be able to imagine anyone else doing it.

This 'news' is like 4 years old, you guys aren't trying hard enough.

Yep, I'm getting tired of indie rock and indie movies universes crossing over.

A haggis, more like it?

I don't see a problem in keeping your coke dealer happy, especially not in the 1970s.

They have a bad reputation for taking so much shit from pretty much anyone.

Looks like a Jonze parody, right until the tone change right about the middle of the trailer.

He would first have to retune him, right?

There's some truth to that. Welles was a genius, no doubt, but he was also massively full of it. It's not like one thing cancels the other.