
Well it's hard not to cringe, on retrospect, when watching things like "Don Juan De Marco", but I'd say his register was rather (if not comparably) vast in the 1990s. On the other hand, you could argue he played variations on the same character from "Elm street" up to "Arizona dream".

Actually, you need lots of time (and/or money) to come up with statistics. But it is free to pull any interpretation you want out your ass, once you get the data.

The worst part is that these guys truly believe they're right. They're convinced the movie was good and critics were being snobby/btichty/evil with their reviews. That doesn't make "The Lone Ranger" any better, but Bruckheimer will care even less when the critics say a Transformers' sequel is a turd.

Or any of the truly interesting movies he did in the first 10 years of his career. My take is he dropped way too much acid with HST, fried his brains out and hasn't been able to pick a good script ever since.

How do you know Johnny Depp is a method actor? He still hasn't broken character from his Keith Richards quasi-impersonation.

No problem, they'll get a stand-in and cover his face with a cape. It's worked before.

It's Win Buttler's rapper alter-ego.

I watched it last night, it was as good an interview as Craig's usually are, with the plus that he was meeting an old friend whom he had dropped acid woth, some 25 years ago. Awesome stuff.

I remember an old monologue of his where he told he used to moonlight as the drummer of a disco/pop covers band. He didn't make enough money with the other bands to make ends meet, IIRC.

The distorted guitar coda is pretty sweet too.

Too bad he's pre-taped this week's shows. We'll have to wait until September to hear him segue this into a penis joke.

Hey, that looks a lot like the AV Club logo. Are you guys doing subliminal product placement now or what?

"I'm not there" cannot be topped as a Dylanesque movie on Bob Dylan (see "Masked and anonymous" if you need to verify that not even the man himself can pull that one off). It may be possible to do a better biopic on Dylan (more linear, with actors playing Bob Dylan and not oblique approximations), though I doubt that

Some of its less manneristic parcels still hold-up today, but they are indeed marginal. What do you think about Kenneth Rexroth or Phil Wallen, man?

Wrong. The tagline should be: "So washed up it busts the tits out".

Those Frenchs love them boobs so much one wonders whether there is a minimum of tits-per-reel they must reach in order to get a government grant or something.

Does it make a difference if I tell you they're French?

Yep, considering the color palette, my kneejerk reaction was: "So, Wes Anderson's version of Scorsese, then?"

And erase your search history after double checking the name of that band.

Arab Strap