
Is that a niche porn parody, @avclub-88ec424f86ae2ce581412c2dbf32ed56:disqus ?

It might be a peculiar strand of nostalgia or just that I'm getting old, but "Everybody" does not sound nearly as bad as I recalled. Mind that I was very much into punk rock when this song first came out.

I think it's a more general problem with music writing. Stereogum has been doing 30-25-20 anniversary pieces for at least 18 months, as well as best-songs, best-albums lists. Pitchfork's also been doing something similar with features like Starter or Situation Critical… I'd really like to cut the AV Club some slack,

From my experience, though it is taxing for the poor soul in charge, lists and inventories mainly run by a single person are better.

TV on the radio, since you've made the case?

Nah, they still have to make cat-centric lists in order to complete their Buzzfeed-ification.
Now seriously, I never thought Cracked would ever have better writen pieces or more thought-out lists than The AV Club, but here you go.

Here's your title: "Communication Breakdown: Five decades of massive fragmentation in pop culture".

But @avclub-7ffc7b9269a024d949b808e6856f525d:disqus , in most conservative, patriarchal societies, that very thing is as radical as feminism gets.

I'm going to get flagged here, but I think it's closer to the feeling of being pegged.

More like a feminist cover version of Van Vliet's tune. Anyhow, I was thinking about the song's carnal, cocksure vibe. That's the link I find between "Meet ze monsta" and "Addicted to love". Though PJ's song is obviously closer to Beefhart's in tone and sound.

Awesome song. Talking about PJ and female sexuality, isn't "Meet ze monsta" her answer to "Addicted to love" or what?

It's pretty sad how overlooked Jenny Hval's "Innocence is kinky" is turning out to be by these lists.

Is that your pitch for the new verse in "We didn't start the fire"? I guess the guys who did that song for AV Undercover could use it.

That's right. If the whole album kept the same intensity as the first 5 songs, Yeezus would easily be miles above MBDTF.

I've hear he's God too.

The Church

Needs more turtleneck shirts.

It might be the most influential film of all time… at least concerning trailer's aesthetic choices.

Did Orson Welles ever host a show of such ilk (weird, unbelievable stories) on TV, or did I just allucinate that?