
If I had a nickel for every time I've heard that phrase, I wouldn't have to make a living writing hacky album reviews.

I don't even like grunge, but I loved that book. It's an awesome read.

True. But, I don't know why I've always felt Cohen closer to a Catholic ethos than a Jewish one. All the "apples dipped in honey" and Halakha references aside. (Or perhaps it's my half-Jewish half-Catholic upbringing talking here).

Yessir, that would be awesome.

The album allegedly deals with mortality and spirituality, and that is pretty obvious; yet, perhaps I wasn't paying enough attention to VW's songs before, but… am I the only one getting a very Jewish vibe from the album? I mean, it's not even a subtext, the album's overt religious bent is filtered through a strong

I'm afraid it is better than most established indie bands' follow-up albums this year.

Ok, but it's gotta be chocolate butt.

Well, man, given the amount of derivative music coming out these days… One can do much worse than this album.

Great point. I've also been getting that feeling lately. Elaborate as they might be, most album reviews are barely descriptions. Granted that it would be hard to do something else in 3 paragraphs (the other sections do get more space for this kind of reviews), but why bother reading them at all if I'm getting even

Oh yeah, I love that too. At least "Monomania" ain't as bad as the last Atlas Sound album.

The funny thing is that this album arrives in the midst of a fourth-generation garage/psych revival.

I have mixed feelings for this album. I get a "Wowee Zowee" vibe from it, like they were trying to take a left turn from Halcyon's digest's natural progression, avoiding to blow-out too big as an indie band.

It's a very good album indeed. It's a bit lacking in the originality department, but that's hardly uncommon or a handycap anymore.

I've been wanting to see it since I was 13 and saw the "Sexx laws" video.

Can we create a Kickstarter to shut her up for good?

Finger Prince?

He's even made sure not to commit a carnal sin by marrying/boning an angel.

I don't know what he'll say, but I'm pretty sure he'll sound like Craig Ferguson's Bill Clinton impersonation.

Don't get me started on Roma Downey's/Virgin Mary's plastic surgery. I didn't know they had the technology to give you a Lana del Rey-esque duckface back then.

Yep, I always knew a PhD was beyond even God's abilities.